

The Hidden "Loophole" Outshining Bitcoin

Wealth Daily

The Hidden "Loophole" Outshining Bitcoin

For your weekly reading, we bring you the week's most popular stories from Wealth Daily and our sister site, Energy and Capital

2 Defense Stocks to Own Before a Black Swan
If the world were to undergo a black swan event — like an alien invasion or nuclear war — THESE are the stocks you would want to buy. They're pretty good to have when it's not the end of days, too. Today Jason Simpkins joins the Angel Research Podcast to discuss black swan events and how they could impact your portfolio. 

What Is a Limit Order in Investing?
When it comes to finance, investors have a ton of loss-limiting tools at their disposal. And among the most powerful are limit orders. Today, Wall Street vet Jason Williams answers the question...

7 Stocks With High Dividends 2024
Stocks with high dividends 2024 should always be a part of your portfolio. Here's a list of 7 that deliver dividends in excess of 10%, and one in excess of 20%.

Private Communication (Penalty if Shared)
Investing early in semiconductor companies like Taiwan Semiconductor, AMD, and Nvidia has made many investors extremely wealthy. However, the next significant investment opportunity will not be in semiconductors. A new technology, driven by one small company, is poised to generate $7 trillion in wealth over the next five years. Early investors could see gains comparable to Nvidia's 26,221%. Don't miss out on this opportunity; see the details here.

Autopilot Doesn't Belong on the Road
At the end of last year, we started seeing a lot of reports that Teslas were crashing apparently due to faulty Autopilot systems, but the company has continued to put the blame on drivers.

Chinese Fire Up World's Biggest Solar Farm
One U.K.-based company is producing a rare sort of battery that solves all of these problems. These batteries are called vanadium flow batteries. And as suggested by the name, the critical element...

We're Entering a New Era (Sci-Fi Just Became Reality)
A Brisbane company is developing lithium-free graphene-based batteries that offer 2–3 times the service life, 2–3 times the charge capacity, and 70 times faster charging. These fire-proof and extremely durable batteries eliminate EV charge delays and outperform current market options. Being lithium-free is crucial, as the lithium industry is dominated by the Chinese Communist Party. Though still in testing, these batteries have enormous potential. This small, under-the-radar company focuses on graphene and trades on two North American exchanges for under $100 million, offering a prime investment opportunity before these batteries become mainstream. Want to see the same presentation I've offered my premium subscribers? Check it out for free right here.

TSMC Stock Deserves a Trillion-Dollar Valuation
If TSMC stock were appropriately priced, it'd be a trillion-dollar company joining the ranks of Microsoft, Apple, Nvidia, Google, Amazon, and Meta

What's Driving Oil Prices Today?
In its latest oil market outlook released yesterday, the IEA may have finally broken from reality. As usual, the report is about as bearish as one could get...

Weird "Bitcoin Loophole" Sparks Investor Frenzy
A unique "Bitcoin Loophole" is outshining Bitcoin, boasting a staggering 6,865% move in just 14 months — 11.5 times better than Bitcoin over the same period. This opportunity doesn't involve purchasing coins or ETFs but is accessible through a regular brokerage account. The best part? You can start today with just around $25. Discover the hidden "Bitcoin Loophole" here.

To your wealth,


Jason Williams

follow basic @TheReal_JayDubs

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