

A Message from Ann

A message from Congresswoman Ann Wagner


Dear Friend,

Last week’s appropriations legislation makes good on our promise to the American people to secure our border, ensure our nation’s national security remains strong, and protect some of the most vulnerable among us.  Our nation is under threat not just from the new axis of evil that is China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran, but also from traffickers at our Southern Border who smuggle illegal immigrants and fentanyl into our communities.  Thank you to my colleagues for supporting three of my amendments to the Homeland Security appropriations legislation and Department of Defense appropriations legislation that will provide vital funding for investigations of child exploitation, as well as funding for isostatic advanced armor production that will ensure greater protection for our troops who put their lives on the line for our freedoms.  Read more about my amendments here.

I spoke in support of my amendment which would provide a fully offset, fully paid for, 67% funding increase for investigations of forced child labor.  As a direct result of the Biden Administration’s refusal to properly enforce the law, there is a humanitarian catastrophe underway at our southern border.  By law, the Biden Administration is required to ensure unaccompanied minors are protected from human trafficking. Instead, the Administration has been essentially giving these children away—with zero regard for their safety.  This level of neglect and callousness is unspeakable, and we must ensure the Department of Homeland Security has the resources necessary to investigate each and every case.  Watch here.


The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) must act prudently and only issue regulations that are absolutely necessary after providing clear evidence of problems and analyses demonstrating the desired positive impacts.  Millions of everyday Americans depend on the success of our equities markets for their financial security.  Americans are looking to us to ensure that Chair Gensler doesn’t use a wrecking ball when perhaps a scalpel would be more appropriate. Watch our hearing on the Chair’s proposed equity market structure reforms here.


Last week the Supreme Court held that government agencies cannot levy fines against market participants without holding a jury trial first.  The Court’s decision in SEC v. Jarkesy protects the due process rights of all market participants, increases accountability and transparency, and enhances public trust in our institutions.  Last month, my subcommittee held a hearing to examine whether the use of Administrative Law Judges violates the 7th Amendment.  It was clear the SEC was acting as judge, jury, and executioner and violating the individual rights of Main Street Investors.  People deserve a trial by a jury of their peers, not a top-down edict by bureaucrats who think they can do no wrong.  This decision is a victory for all Americans who need to be protected from out-of-control regulators dead-set on ignoring our Constitutional rights.

I appreciated seeing such a crowd at last week’s showing of Kiss the Future, a documentary detailing the experience of Sarajevans during the 1992-1996 siege and their inspiring commitment to artistic expression.  I was especially honored to welcome President Žejlko Komšić, the Croat member of Bosnia’s tripartite presidency, to the U.S. Capitol for the film showing.  Thank you to Bosnian Ambassador Alkalaj and the Bosnian Embassy for organizing a great event.  It has been such a pleasure to work with them to advocate for the prosperity of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and to raise awareness here about the challenges their country is facing today.  With conflict and turmoil roiling every corner of the world, including the Western Balkans, it is so important to look back at the experiences of the Bosnian people during the wars and genocide of the 1990s.  When we say “never again,” we must mean it. That is why I am leading bipartisan legislation, the Upholding the Dayton Peace Agreement Through Sanctions Act, that would codify and mandate key sanctions authorities to send an unmistakable message to any actor that threatens the peace, security, stability, or territorial integrity of Bosnia.  This bill has passed the House with overwhelming support, and I hope the Senate takes swift action on this critical legislation.


The integrity of the Dayton Accords, and the sovereignty of Bosnia and Herzegovina itself, are constantly under attack by Milorad Dodik, the President of the Republika Srpska.  The State Department has rightly sanctioned Dodik and many of his accomplices and enablers. I have repeatedly called for these sanctions, which would be codified under my Dayton Peace Agreement legislation.  Yet Dodik’s dangerous provocations continue.  I questioned our witnesses during our Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on what actions are being considered to tighten the screws on Dodik and his corrupt cronies.  Watch here.


Thank you to BioSTL for meeting with us in Washington to discuss the ongoing St. Louis-Israel biotech engagement. As part of our Gaza Working Group in the Abraham Accords Caucus, it was especially informative to hear of their plans to accelerate such engagement after the war in Gaza is over and the rebuilding process begins.


I met with St. Louis-based Energizer last week to get an update on the plans to move their headquarters within the St. Louis area, as well as innovations in safety technology they are pioneering.  Energizer has developed new color alert technology that can help parents see if their child has swallowed a battery, alerting them so they can quickly call emergency services.



Ann Wagner
Member of Congress


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