

BREAKING—100+ members of Congress skipped Netanyahu’s speech at the Capitol

We have never seen something like this before.

MPower Change Action

As salaamu alaykum, Indiana Jones—

Benjamin Netanyahu is a war criminal.

And thanks to you and people of conscience across the U.S., an attempt to whitewash that fact has backfired.

Today, we saw something unprecedented. In the last few hours, we saw over one hundred U.S. Senators and Representatives skip Netanyahu's speech to Congress.¹

But this moment is about so much more than Netanyahu.

We're staying focused. Thousands of us took to the streets today to demand an end to arming Israel.²

Tell Congress: Stop. Arming. Israel.

If we do not push for an end to U.S. military assistance to Israel, we are letting an historical opportunity slip through our fingers.

Up until now, Congress has fallen down on the job of ending the White House's funding of Israeli arms.

Let's make sure that failure starts to end right now.

No more arms for genocide, Indiana Jones.

Thank you for everything you have done to get us to this moment.

In solidarity,

Linda, Yasmine, and the team at MPower Action.

P.S. Want to help build Muslim political power this electoral season? Donate to MPower Action Fund.  



1. "Around half of Congress' Democrats skip Netanyahu speech," Axios, July 24, 2024.

2. "Live updates: Thousands of protesters descend on Washington ahead of Netanyahu's speech to Congress," AP, July 24, 2024.


MPower Action is the political and lobbying arm of MPower Change, a grassroots movement of diverse Muslim communities working together to build social, spiritual, racial, and economic justice for all people.

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