

I'm forwarding this alert from Alex

Alexander Green's Emergency Fed Summit
Todd Skousen

Todd Skousen
CEO & Executive Publisher


In the few days since Alexander Green's Emergency State-of-the-Market Event a LOT has happened... with Alex batting 1,000 so far on his predictions.

And that's translated to big success for his Microcap Trader subscribers.

Here's a snapshot of the alert he just sent to them with some updates that should interest you. I had to redact some of the companies to protect existing subscribers. But it gives you a good ida of the opportunities Alex sees in microcaps going forward.

I've forwarded his latest writeup below...

Our Microcaps Are Well Positioned for Further Gains

By Alexander Green, Chief Investment Strategist, The Oxford Club

When we came into 2024, the consensus on Wall Street was as broad as the continent and as deep as the Grand Canyon: high inflation and rising interest rates would push us into a recession and cause a continuation of the bear market that began in 2022.

I said, "Bull." And that's just what we've seen. The S&P 500 is up 16% year-to-date.

However, our microcap stocks have done considerably better, even though most small-companies - and most large ones for that matter - have lagged the broad market.

(The small-cap Russell 2000 index, for example, is up just 9.4%.)

So far this year, we have locked in double- and triple-digit gains in ------ REDACTED -------, ------ REDACTED -------, ------ REDACTED -------, ------ REDACTED -------, ------ REDACTED -------, ------ REDACTED -------, and others. With those winners averaging a hold time of just 4 months.

Not every idea panned out, of course. But in each case our principal is protected by our laddered stops strategy.

(This way we never let a small loss turn into an unacceptable one - or let a substantial profit slip through our fingers.)

We have also taken gains as high as 892% in a portion of my recommended call options in 3 months.

(Although I'll warn new subscribers that these entail more risk than the stock ideas and are recommended for speculators only.)

We have several attractive opportunities in our current portfolio. And, last week, we learned that things are unfolding just as we expected.

In Jackson Hole, Fed Chairman Jerome Powell teed up the first rate cut in September by announcing that "the time has come" for a major policy shift.

After more than two years of rising rates, I expect that we'll see multiple rate cuts in the weeks and months ahead.

This will benefit our small-cap holdings for three primary reasons:

  1. They are growing considerably faster than most large-cap companies.
  2. Their valuations are more attractive than most large-cap companies and
  3. Many young companies hold more debt - and particularly floating-rate debt - and will thus see a bigger pop in their bottom-line as a result of a lower interest expense.

In short, the planets are now aligning for a huge rally in small-cap stocks.

We are well-positioned to take advantage of it.

And when micro-cap stocks start to move, the upside isn't just considerable.

It can be lightning fast.

For example, ------ REDACTED ------- (Nasdaq: ------ REDACTED -------) started last week at $7.33 and ended the week at $10.45. That's a 40% jump in one week.

(The stock moved up 18% on Friday alone, thanks in part to fresh insider buying.)

With this in mind, let's take a closer look at what we currently own in the portfolio and why...

I added ------ REDACTED ------- (Nasdaq: ------ REDACTED -------) to the portfolio less than a month ago.

It didn't do much for the first couple weeks. Then it shot up over 18% Friday on more than twice the average volume.

------ REDACTED ------- is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company that specializes in the development of novel therapies for skin conditions.

Its flagship products and candidates include treatments for psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, and other dermatological conditions.

It also has a pipeline loaded with promising drug candidates.

The global dermatology therapeutics market is expected to reach approximately $32 billion by 2026, driven by rising incidences of skin diseases and an increasing focus on dermatological research.

------ REDACTED ------- is not yet profitable. But revenue is up sharply - and the firm is sitting on over $400 million in cash.

The company's proven track record in clinical development, its rapid sales growth and its robust pipeline make it an attractive short-term trading vehicle.

Folks, I hate to say "I told you so," so I won't... but I will say that you are missing out. Big time.

You need to get in on this and you need to get in on it quickly.

Please, while there's still time complete your order form here now. Or call our elite team who's ready to answer any questions you may have at 888.570.9830 or +410.864.3090.

Just make sure you do it now. As Alex explained, this is unfolding very quickly.

Good investing,


P.S. If you can't speak right now, please schedule a call with our team now HERE.

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