

Take Action, Indiana Jones: Tell 20 university presidents and chancellors to stop the escalating crackdown on students protesting genocide

We need to show up for them right now, Indiana Jones

MPower Change

As salaamu alaykum, Indiana Jones—

Just days before his 20th birthday, Sha'ban al-Dalou, a software engineering student, was burned alive in an Israeli bombing.¹

The median age in Gaza is 18.² 

Israel's war is a war against children and youth.

As U.S. students, many the same age as Sha'ban, return to their classrooms, they are also rising up in protest against Israel's genocidal war. Yet, rather than receiving support, they are being met with increasing repression on campuses across the country.

We must support students speaking out in this moment.


Tell 20 university presidents and chancellors to stop the escalating crackdown on students protesting genocide.

As with protests against the Vietnam War and South African apartheid, today's students challenging the war on Gaza are being met with suppression and violence.

Here's how schools are silencing student activism:

  • Arresting students for peaceful protests;
  • Enacting policies that stifle pro-Palestinian activism; and
  • Creating a hostile environment for pro-Palestinian students, faculty, and staff.

This is just a glimpse of what we've seen so far this school year:

  • Columbia University: NYPD violently arrested student protesters on the first day of fall classes during a peaceful divestment demonstration.³
  • New York University (NYU): Introduced new conduct policies that could stifle criticism of Zionism, flagged by CAIR as an "institution of concern" for silencing pro-Palestinian voices.⁴
  • Pomona College: Under investigation by the U.S. Department of Education for allegations of anti-Palestinian racism.⁵
  • University of California and Cal State systems: Have moved to limit student protests across 33 campuses.⁶
  • University of Chicago (UChicago): Facing a federal civil rights complaint for anti-Palestinian racism and suppressing protests.⁷
  • University of Colorado Boulder (CU Boulder): Called the Department of Homeland Security on student protesters.⁸

We need your help. Tell university leaders to stop punishing students who are speaking out against genocide.

Throughout history, students have been at the forefront of movements that changed the world, from ending the Vietnam War to dismantling apartheid in South Africa. 

Today, they are again making history — and facing repression for their courage.

TAKE ACTION: Use our digital tool to send a message to university presidents and chancellors who are responding to nonviolent dissent with punishment and violence.

Thank you for everything you do.

In solidarity,

Granate, Zara, Rabea, and the team at MPower Change

P.S. Want to support our work towards justice for all people and against white supremacy and Islamophobia? Sign up for a recurring MPower Change gift now.


  1. "Shaban al-Dalou: The Palestinian teen burned to death in Israeli bombing," Al Jazeera, Oct. 15, 2024. 
  2. "Population, Religion and Poverty: The Demographics of Israel and Gaza,"U.S.NEWS, Nov. 15, 2023.
  3. "Columbia Welcomes Students Back to Campus With Arrests," The Intercept, Sept. 5, 2024. 
  4. "Palestine Legal Statement on NYU's New, Draconian Student Conduct Policies," Aug. 29, 2024. 
  5. "Dep't of Ed Launches Investigation into Anti-Palestinian Racism at Pomona College," Palestine Legal, Aug.29,  2024.
  6. "University of California and Cal State tighten protest rules ahead of fall term," Higher Ed Dive, Aug. 20, 2024.
  7. "UChicago Students File Civil Rights Complaint After Disciplinary Charges, Arrests, and UCPD Surveillance," Palestine Legal, Sept. 25, 2024.
  8. NSJP Statement, Instagram, Oct. 6, 2024.


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