

A Couple Of Massive Analyst Targets Could Suggest Big Things Ahead For Monday's Breakout Idea

A Couple Of Massive Analyst Targets Could Suggest Big Things Ahead For Monday's Breakout Idea

Report ETA: Arriving By 9:30AM EST Tomorrow

January 12th

Greetings, Friend!

Hopefully you were around last week, because even though it may have been cold outside, I heated things up with a fiery hot breakout idea.

Late Wednesday evening, I highlighted a Nasdaq biopharma profile that was closed out in after-hours at $1.1882.

By Friday morning, it had climbed to a pre-market peak of $2.26, delivering an impressive surge of approximately 90% before the market officially opened.

However, the action didn’t stop there.

Throughout the day, the low float idea experienced multiple double-digit swings (approx.), making for a highly volatile close to the week.

But that was then. This is now.

By 9:30AM EST Monday, I plan on delivering a new breakout idea in the form of a fully-detailed report on a little-known company with a potentially bright future.

Right now, at least two analysts are painting a rosy picture of an undervalued profile suggesting as much as 400+% potential upside each from this past Friday's closing valuation.

On top of that, a couple December press releases may have flown below Wall Street's radar as they highlight a company on an attention-worthy path towards creating much needed cancer treatment options.

Want to position yourself in the past way possible ahead of the report? Do this:

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I'll be back to you soon with a new report. Talk later.

All the best,

Dane James

Editor Market Pulse Today

(Remember: St-ock Prices Could Be Significantly Lower Now From The Original Dates I Provided.)

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