It's time for you to upgrade your membership and claim this special deal right now during our Presidents Day Sale—just $5 for an entire year for all the premium knitting content we have when you become a Gold Member today!
Dear Knitting Enthusiast,
Thank you for being a Bronze Member of I Like Knitting, but it's time for you to upgrade—just $5 for an entire year to become a Gold Member right now!
You're special, and we are reserving a Gold Member spot for you with I Like Knitting today!
I've convinced the publisher of I Like Knitting to allow me to give you a HUGE 92% discount off the regular price to upgrade your membership, as a courtesy to you for being a current Bronze Member in good standing.
We're busy creating lots of new knitting patterns that are instantly accessible in our digital library—more than 700 in all! And many patterns are exclusive to the I Like Knitting Gold Club—you can't find them anywhere else.
Plus, we work closely with expert knitting designers to develop new patterns all the time. And I want you to have all of these knitting patterns now—they're not available to free Bronze Members and reserved exclusively for Gold Members.
Please consider this special $5 upgrade offer, while it lasts.
Happy Knitting!
Caitlin Eaton Editor, I Like Knitting Magazine
P.S. Thank you for being a Bronze Member of I Like Knitting—and I hope you'll take advantage of this special $5 Gold Member upgrade offer today.
P.P.S. And see below for a full summary of this special offer for you:
I Like Knitting 5 Signature Spring Knitting Collections
Your Presidents Day Sale Rate
P.S. You're also eligible to receive FREE streaming knitting videos including: 9 Knitting Tutorials: Tips & Tricks for Knitters Old & New and Knitting Outside the Box: 3 Unexpected Stitch Tutorials when you act today. Click for details.
P.P.S. Plus, you'll get instant access to our 5 Signature Spring Knitting Collections when you order now. Click for details.
One year Charter Membership in the I Like Knitting Gold Club
Only $5 for an entire year! 92% discount!
One year subscription to I Like Knitting Magazine— This digital magazine is filled with upcoming new and exclusive knitting patterns, tutorials, and videos
I Like Knitting Library—Get exclusive designer knitting patterns with step-by-step instructions, video tutorials, and full color photographs. More than 10 years of magazine issues in the searchable library.
Gold Member Insider—Including exclusive knitting patterns, tips, and techniques available online for your easy and instant 24/7 access!
I Like Knitting Collections—Including curated collections of stunning knitting patterns for sweaters, scarves, blankets, and more. Instant access to gorgeous designer patterns!
Regular eNewsletters with the latest knitting tips and tricks, free knitting patterns, and free attendance at knitting along community events.
FREE streaming knitting videos including: "9 Knitting Tutorials: Tips & Tricks for Knitters Old & New" and "Knitting Outside the Box: 3 Unexpected Stitch Tutorials"
BONUS: Instantly access our 5 Signature Spring Collections: Scarves, Sweaters, Cardigans, Tops, and Shawls! More than 80 patterns! Our Signature Spring Collections are a treasure chest of creativity just waiting to be opened.
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