

Daily Romantic Horoscope for Couples

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Dear Visitor,
Here is your couple's love horoscope
for Friday, March 24:

Right now, the ball's in your court, so give it everything you've got. Your sweetie is on the sidelines and is rooting you on toward success. When you feel like you can't go on, let their encouragement give you a second wind.

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Aries: Stay confident and remember that you don't need anyone's approval but your own, especially when it comes to measuring (and setting) standards for success. However, your sugar's support certainly wouldn't hurt.

Taurus: You and your sweetie recently made a valiant effort to change things in your relationship, and you see those developments really starting to gel -- and right when you were convinced nothing was happening, too!

Gemini: You and your darling may have different agendas that necessitate spending a little time apart. While this may not be ideal, in time you'll come to see that it's all for the best. You'll rejoin forces very soon.

Cancer: Sometimes it takes a trial to show you how strong you and your relationship are. This setback is only temporary, so keep that in mind when you're brainstorming solutions. Loving support makes all the difference.

Leo: You're in charge of some very important projects, and the responsibility, while thrilling, also makes you a little nervous. Tell your sweetie that you may need extra TLC -- or a helping hand -- at this time.

Virgo: Are you and your sweetie pie ready to bask in some well-deserved glory? You'll see all your efforts pay off in a big way, especially if you don't try and rush the results. Just sit back and enjoy the ride.

Libra: Why not make this a joint partnership? You two may have had some qualms about mixing business with pleasure, but you do so well together as a couple that it seems foolish not to take it into the realm of work.

Scorpio: Feel like this relationship may have hit a few rocks? You can get out of this jam by making sure that you're voicing your opinion. Shyness is one thing, but expecting them to read your mind is another entirely.

Sagittarius: Lay down your cards and let your significant other see what's really going on with you. It's time to gauge how much they're willing to invest in the future. If you two have very different ideas about that, it's time to talk.

Capricorn: Speak up if your sweetie's crossed the line. Forgiveness is a virtue, but letting yourself be treated like a doormat is definitely not. Stand up for the treatment that you know you deserve, and accept nothing less.

Aquarius: Self-reliant types like yourself feel like the only legit way to conquer a problem is to do it on your own, but that's just not true. Some help is well within your reach, so ask your darling for their input.

Pisces: Right now, the ball's in your court, so give it everything you've got. Your sweetie is on the sidelines and is rooting you on toward success. When you feel like you can't go on, let their encouragement give you a second wind.

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