

Daily Romantic Horoscope for Singles

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Dear Visitor,
Here is your single's love horoscope
for Friday, March 24:

It's hard to resist when an opportunity to play Cupid presents itself, but do those involved really want -- or need -- your arrows piercing them? Perhaps there's a very subtle way to put this in motion.

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Aries: Watch for a change in your mood now. Wanting to run everything personally and have everything go your way dissolves into a more go-with-the-flow feel. It's rather conducive to interesting, random connections!

Taurus: Those who say your sign is self-involved might have to eat their words right now, as you're putting time, thought and energy into family, friends and community. Bonus: Your love karma's loving it.

Gemini: If love's a boat, then you're the charming cruise director. A surprising proportion of today goes to getting tonight organized, but you love doing it. And when the time comes, you're right in the middle of it all.

Cancer: Things in the love arena could go from clear-cut to rather fuzzy around the edges. Your relationship with a certain someone may be hard to define, but pushing the issue is unlikely to help now.

Leo: You're all fired up, having fun and looking good doing it. If you meet someone who likes your style, give them a break and let them get a word in edgewise. You might even ask them a question or two!

Virgo: Tell your inner critic to shush. No, you don't look fat in those pants, and no, that bookworm shouldn't automatically be overlooked. Your generosity of spirit -- with yourself and others -- informs your world now.

Libra: The stars are officially turning your frown upside down -- and probably getting you into a situation where you'll be puckering up, too. Romance is favored now, just in time for all sorts of mischief and fun.

Scorpio: You seem to be totally in control romance-wise today, and at the very least, it's a nice illusion. By tonight, though, things may be going haywire and you could be losing your cool. Ride it out.

Sagittarius: Your straight-up manner (with a dash of humor, of course) is pretty much everyone's cup of tea at the moment. Go ahead, flirt shamelessly with the barista or engage a stranger in a long talk.

Capricorn: You're fishing like mad out there, but great romantic results may be elusive now. Ain't no problem with the bait -- are you sure you're in the right spot for you? Maybe a bigger pond -- or just a different one.

Aquarius: A world-weary mood you've been wearing is suddenly ousted, if the stars have anything to say about it. Look for a fresh -- and potentially hot! -- new source of inspiration to come your way now.

Pisces: It's hard to resist when an opportunity to play Cupid presents itself, but do those involved really want -- or need -- your arrows piercing them? Perhaps there's a very subtle way to put this in motion.

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