

Microsoft Support Lifecycle Newsletter - March 2006

Microsoft Support Lifecycle Lifecycle Informational Update for Customers March 2006

www.support.microsoft.com/lifecycle -----

IN THIS ISSUE: 1.0 What this Update Means for Customers 2.0 Microsoft Support Lifecycle Program Highlights 3.0 Product and Service Pack Highlights 3.1 Key Products Transitioning from Mainstream Support to Extended Support 3.2 Key Products Transitioning out of Extended Support to Online Self-Help Support 3.3 Key Service Packs Transitioning out of Extended Support 3.4 Notable New Products and Service Packs 4.0 Lifecycle Calendar 4.1 Products Transitioning from Mainstream Support to Extended Support 4.2 Products Transitioning from Mainstream Support to Non-Support 4.3 Products Transitioning out of Extended Support to Non-Support 4.4 Service Packs Transitioning to Non-Support 5.0 Resources -----

1.0 What this Update Means for Customers

This update is to provide customers with regular, quarterly information and announcements regarding the Microsoft Support Lifecycle (MSL). It includes updates on MSL programs and policies and also provides a forward-looking calendar of products for which support is about to change or end.

As a valued Microsoft customer, this update provides important support information about products you may be using. Please review this update and contact your Technical Account Manager or Account Representative with any questions or for more information. -----

2.0 Microsoft Support Lifecycle Program Highlights

Support Lifecycle Expiration Date Adjustments In response to customer feedback, and to provide customers with better consistency around product expiration dates, Microsoft has announced an adjustment to the Support Lifecycle expiration dates for all current and future products. The following points summarize the changes: -Products will expire on the second Tuesday after the end of the fiscal quarter. This timeline will coincide with the release of the second Tuesday security update release cycle. -Security updates released on the same day a product expires will be supported for 30 days following the release. In the event Microsoft releases a security update on the same day that a product is scheduled to end its supported life, the security update will be supported for a minimum of 30 days.

Over the next three months, every Microsoft product will have its expiration date adjusted in accordance with these changes. Adjusted dates will be posted on the MSL external site http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=4742497 and featured regularly in MSL Quarterly Update bulletins beginning in May 2006.

Support Lifecycle Clarification for Consumer Products Please note the following clarification on the Support Lifecycle Policy for Consumer products:

For Consumer, Hardware, Multimedia, and Microsoft Business Solutions products, Microsoft will either offer a minimum of 5 years of Mainstream Support from the date of a product’s general availability, or 2 years of Mainstream Support following the release of the successor product (N+1), whichever is longer. Extended support is not offered for Consumer, Hardware, Multimedia, or Business Solutions products. Most products will also receive at least 8 years of online self-help support.

More information can be found in the MSL FAQ: http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=4742498

Java Virtual Machine Support Expiring--December 31, 2007 The MSJVM will transition to non-supported status on December 31, 2007. Customers are encouraged to take proactive measures to stay informed about obsolete software and move away from the MSJVM in a timely fashion. The MSJVM is no longer available for distribution from Microsoft and there will be no enhancements to the MSJVM. Microsoft products and SKUs currently including the MSJVM will continue to be retired or replaced by versions not containing the MSJVM on a schedule to be announced. Additional details can be found at http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=4742499. -----

3.0 Product and Service Pack Highlights

3.1 Key Products Transitioning from Mainstream Support to Extended Support General Information on Extended Support and Extended Hotfix Support Agreements (EHSAs): -All paid incident support options continue to be available -Security updates continue to be available throughout this phase -Support is only available at the supported Service Pack level -Warranty support, Software Assurance Problem Resolution Support and Design Change requests are no longer available -Non-security hotfix requests require an EHSA -Non-Software Assurance customers must enroll for an EHSA within the first 90 days of the Extended Support Phase -Software Assurance customers can sign-up for an EHSA at any time and the EHSA program fee is included with their SA benefits

SQL Server™ 7.0 and Exchange 2000 - December 31, 2005 On December 31, 2005, the SQL Server 7.0 products and Exchange 2000 Server products, listed below, transitioned from the Mainstream Support to the Extended Support phase. Customers without Software Assurance must enroll for an EHSA by March 31, 2006. -SQL Server 7.0 Standard Edition, SP4 -SQL Server 7.0 Enterprise Edition, SP4 -Exchange 2000 Standard Edition, SP3 -Exchange 2000 Enterprise Edition, SP3

WindowsÒ XP - Mainstream Support Extension Windows XP was scheduled to end Mainstream Support on December 31, 2006. However, its follow-on release, Windows Vista™, is not scheduled to ship until late 2006. In keeping with Lifecycle Policy, Windows XP will remain in Mainstream Support for two years after Windows Vista’s release. Dates on the external site will be updated once an official release date for Windows Vista is announced.

Office XP - June 30, 2006 On June 30, 2006, the Office XP products listed below will transition to the Extended Support phase. Customers without Software Assurance must enroll for an EHSA by September 30, 2006. -Office XP Developer Edition, SP3 -Office XP Professional Edition, SP3 -Office XP Standard Edition, SP3

Exchange 2000 Conference Server - Mainstream Support Extended Exchange 2000 Conference Server was previously scheduled to enter Extended Support on December 31, 2005. In keeping with Lifecycle Policy, Exchange 2000 Conference Server will remain in Mainstream Support for two years after Microsoft has released a follow-on product.

3.2 Key Products Transitioning out of Extended Support to Non-Support General information about Non-support and Custom Support Agreements (CSAs): -Products in the non-supported phase do not receive support, including phone and incident support, as well as no-charge security updates -Online self-help support (the knowledgebase and support articles) will continue to be available for at least 12 months -CSAs may be made available for certain products

Exchange 5.5 - January 10, 2006 On January 10, 2006, Exchange 5.5 moved out of the Extended Support phase, to a non- supported status. A CSA is available until December, 2007 and will only provide support at the SP4 level.

WindowsÒ 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows Me - July 11, 2006* On July 11, 2006, Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition and Windows Me (and their related components) will transition to a non-supported status. After this date, Microsoft will no longer provide any incident support options or security updates. Microsoft is not offering CSAs for these products.

Additional information on Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition and Windows Me can be located at: http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=4742500. *Date change to be reflected online and in product calendar by April 2006

3.3 Key Service Packs Transitioning out of Support

WindowsÒ XP SP1 - October 10, 2006* On October 10, 2006, Windows XP Service Pack 1 will transition out of its supported lifecycle. After this date, customers will no longer receive support for XP SP1. To continue to receive support and no-charge security updates, customers must migrate to Service Pack 2. A CSA for Windows XP SP1 will available for one year (until October 10, 2007). *Date change to be reflected online and in product calendar by April 2006

Office 2003 SP1 - October 10, 2006* Microsoft will support SP1 for Office 2003 until October 10, 2006. A CSA will not be offered for Office 2003 SP1. New licenses will be at the SP2 level, and it is recommended that customers with SP1 upgrade their desktops to maintain product support beyond October 2006. A Custom Support Agreement for Office 2003 SP1 will not be available. *Date change to be reflected online and in product calendar by April 2006

3.4 Notable New Products and Service Packs

Windows ServerÒ 2003 R2 and Virtual Server 2005 R2 Under the current Lifecycle policy, derivative products follow the Mainstream and Extended Support dates of the original product. In this case, Windows Server 2003 R2 will follow the original Lifecycle dates for Windows Server 2003. Virtual Server 2005 R2 will follow the original Lifecycle dates of Virtual Server 2005. -----

4.0 Lifecycle Calendar

The Lifecycle Calendar is not available in the text-only version of the newsletter. Please subscribe to the HTML version to receive this information. -----

5.0 Resources

MSL External Site * http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=4742501 Frequently Asked Questions * http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=4742502 Service Pack Information * http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=4742503

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