

Daily Romantic Horoscope for Singles

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Dear Visitor,
Here is your single's love horoscope
for Saturday, April 1:

It's a great time for you to invite folks over for a small gathering or even a dinner date. If you are the opposite of domestic, then try to find a way to get intimate at someone else's place -- you are all about home now.

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Warm Regards,
The Astrology.com Team http://www.astrology.com/

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Aries: It may seem as if things are hopeless with your latest crush, but don't give up just yet. Something that appears to be a major obstacle is actually just a minor speed bump, so keep moving.

Taurus: It's a good time to be you -- and an even better time to be with you. Try to make sure that someone gets to enjoy that privilege tonight, and indulge in something a little extra decadent.

Gemini: Your first instinct will be to take things to a more intense level, but you need to chill out and try to make sure that all the little details are squared away first. Check for compatibility.

Cancer: A new person swings your way and takes you utterly by surprise. It may be that you redefine your type or you reimagine how you see yourself romantically, but the change will be sweet.

Leo: It's a great time to just sit back, smile and listen. Any advice you offer to dates or friends will get lost in translation. It's not your fault -- there's just too much static in the lines right now.

Virgo: Right now you need to be gathering more information about your latest crush or the folks queued up to meet you. It could be as simple as asking upfront or as devious as online snooping.

Libra: Something is nagging at you about your latest romantic interest, and it's definitely a good time to slow down and figure it out before taking things any further. It might end up being nothing, but you need to know.

Scorpio: You might intimidate someone with your revelations, but that's an important test, so don't edit yourself. There's a lot to be gained by honesty right now, even if it's scary at first.

Sagittarius: A friend needs some advice that seems a little off base at first. The more you think about it, though, the more you'll come to realize that it applies to your situation even more than theirs.

Capricorn: A shopping date will go nicely -- or, if there's no date happening today, a trip to the mall or downtown will yield at least one very interesting connection. Make lots of eye contact!

Aquarius: Some old relationship issue pops up when you least expect it, but you can shake it off if you go it alone and think ahead. Don't count on your friends for good advice right now.

Pisces: It's a great time for you to invite folks over for a small gathering or even a dinner date. If you are the opposite of domestic, then try to find a way to get intimate at someone else's place -- you are all about home now.

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