

OneWorld Daily Headlines

OneWorld Daily Headlines http://www.oneworld.net

OneWorld Daily Headlines brings you news, views, campaigns,and more from OneWorld.net's global network of partner organizations working to create a better world.

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> Wind: Gaining on Gas? > Child Alert: Haiti > Biodiversity...Biopiracy...Who Owns Life?

> WHO slammed for TB failure > African food alerts 'consistently ignored' > China sticks by one-child policy > Policy key to Pakistan's software dreams > Brazil’s key farming state stands firm on GM

> Water: Not a human right? > Indefinite vigil against Coca-Cola in India > UN Mission in Afghanistan extended by one year

> Donor Conference on Small Arms and Light Weapons held in Sarajevo > Trafficking in Human Beings on the Rise in Macedonia

> No Tire Is Worth Slave Labor!

> Anti-War Movement Working Harder Than Ever

_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ OneWorld U.S.

WIND: GAINING ON GAS? --------------------- (24 mar 2006) As the cost of natural gas continues to climb, wind-generated electricity is gaining ground as an affordable and renewable alternative, argues eco-economy guru Lester Brown. In fact, both rural communities and big-time players are beginning to take notice--and take advantage. http://us.oneworld.net/link/gotoarticle/addhit/129760/7263/70673 From: Earth Policy Institute http://www.earth-policy.org

CHILD ALERT: HAITI ------------------ (24 mar 2006) According to a new UNICEF report, children in Haiti are more likely to die in their first years of life than in any other country in the Western Hemisphere. Citing a lack of basic services, environmental degradation and rampant violence, UNICEF applauds the newly elected president's public commitment to social change and child welfare. http://us.oneworld.net/link/gotoarticle/addhit/129766/7263/70673 From: United Nations Children's Fund http://www.unicef.org

BIODIVERSITY...BIOPIRACY...WHO OWNS LIFE? ----------------------------------------- (24 mar 2006) Developing-country negotiators are trying to make sure their people are properly compensated for plants and other natural products taken from their territory by international corporations, but they've largely been stonewalled at a global conference on biodiversity in Brazil this week. http://us.oneworld.net/link/gotoarticle/addhit/129761/7263/70673 From: Inter Press Service (IPS) http://www.ipsnews.net

_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ OneWorld U.K.

WHO SLAMMED FOR TB FAILURE -------------------------- (24 mar 2006) The World Health Organisation's TB strategy has failed to contain the disease or provide proper treatment for the sick, according to a leading medical charity which describes the situation as catastrophic and forecasts "it will only get worse". http://uk.oneworld.net/link/gotoarticle/addhit/129812/7468/70673 From: Médecins sans frontières http://www.paris.msf.org/

AFRICAN FOOD ALERTS 'CONSISTENTLY IGNORED' ------------------------------------------ (24 mar 2006) Donors, governments and humanitarian agencies consistently ignore early warning alerts about impending food shortages in Africa, analysts say. http://uk.oneworld.net/link/gotoarticle/addhit/129795/7468/70673 From: United Nations' Integrated Regional Information Network http://www.irinnews.org

CHINA STICKS BY ONE-CHILD POLICY -------------------------------- (24 mar 2006) China will continue its one-child policy, the director of the National Population and Family Planning Commission, Zhang Weiqing, said in an online forum. http://uk.oneworld.net/link/gotoarticle/addhit/129810/7468/70673 From: kaisernetwork.org (Kaiser Family Foundation) http://www.kaisernetwork.org

POLICY KEY TO PAKISTAN'S SOFTWARE DREAMS ---------------------------------------- (24 mar 2006) World-class success still eludes Pakistan's IT industry but can be achieved if policymakers tackle the big issues, argues Athar Osama. http://uk.oneworld.net/link/gotoarticle/addhit/129806/7468/70673 From: SciDev.Net http://www.scidev.net

BRAZIL’S KEY FARMING STATE STANDS FIRM ON GM --------------------------------------------- (24 mar 2006) The governor of Brazil's Parana state vows to keep his state GM-free, in defiance of the federal government’s positive stance towards GM farming.

http://uk.oneworld.net/link/gotoarticle/addhit/129805/7468/70673 From: Panos London http://www.panos.org.uk

_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ OneWorld South Asia

WATER: NOT A HUMAN RIGHT? ------------------------- (24 mar 2006) The assertion that access to water is a human right was not included in the ministerial declaration adopted at the Fourth World Water Forum, which ended in Mexico on Wednesday, World Water Day. Although all of the delegates said they agreed with the principle, some argued that it was not feasible to include it in the final declaration, because it could generate legal problems at the national and international level. http://southasia.oneworld.net/link/gotoarticle/addhit/129801/1893/70673

INDEFINITE VIGIL AGAINST COCA-COLA IN INDIA ------------------------------------------- (24 mar 2006) People of Mehdiganj in north India have launched an indefinite vigil against a Coca-Cola bottling plant demanding that the plant be permanently shut down. Nearly five hundred community members set up a tent in front of the Coca-Cola bottling plant in the holy city of Varanasi and declared that they will carry on the protest until the plant is shut down. http://southasia.oneworld.net/link/gotoarticle/addhit/129798/1893/70673

UN MISSION IN AFGHANISTAN EXTENDED BY ONE YEAR ---------------------------------------------- (24 mar 2006) The United Nations Security Council extended the mandate of the four year-old United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan which expires on 24 March, for an additional 12 months in order to continue assisting the Afghan leadership during the next phase of rebuilding the country. http://southasia.oneworld.net/link/gotoarticle/addhit/129797/1893/70673

_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ OneWorld South East Europe

DONOR CONFERENCE ON SMALL ARMS AND LIGHT WEAPONS HELD IN SARAJEVO ----------------------------------------------------------------- (24 mar 2006) UNDP Bosnia and Herzegovina with the support of the Ministry of Defence of BiH organised the Donor Conference on Small Arms and Ammunition reduction and control in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The main purpose of this event was to introduce the donor community on Small Arms Control cycle, management and exchange information on Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) issues. The goal of the meeting was also to encourage further engagement of the donor community in the SALW process. http://see.oneworld.net/link/gotoarticle/addhit/129817/3260/70673

TRAFFICKING IN HUMAN BEINGS ON THE RISE IN MACEDONIA ---------------------------------------------------- (24 mar 2006) According to the information collected by the Union of Women’s Organizations of Macedonia (SOZM), the trafficking in human beings in the country has increased over the past several years. http://see.oneworld.net/link/gotoarticle/addhit/129816/3260/70673

_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ ONEWORLD U.S. ACTION ALERT

NO TIRE IS WORTH SLAVE LABOR! ----------------------------- (23 mar 2006) Liberia was founded by freed slaves, yet the Bridgestone-Firestone company is using slave labor in the country today and encouraging workers to put their children on the job too. Join the campaign to hold the tire company to account. http://us.oneworld.net/link/gotoarticle/addhit/129765/2332/70673 From: Institute for Policy Studies http://www.ips-dc.org

_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Letters to the Editor

ANTI-WAR MOVEMENT WORKING HARDER THAN EVER ------------------------------------------ (23 mar 2006) I have to take issue with Abid Aslam's article, "Third Iraq Anniversary Finds Publics Weary of War and Protest," particularly the assertion that anti-war activism has waned. I was surprised to see OneWorld joining the trend of playing down opposition to the Iraq war... http://us.oneworld.net/link/gotoarticle/addhit/129751/8154/70673


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The articles for the OneWorld Daily Headlines are compiled by the following OneWorld editors around the world. To read all the stories from each center, please visit their website.

Africa Caroline Nenguke http://africa.oneworld.net Canada Lila Train http://www.oneworld.ca Finland Mirva Viitanen http://fi.oneworld.net Latin America José Pablo Molina http://amlat.oneworld.net South Asia Naimur Rahman http://southasia.oneworld.net Southeast Europe Dejan Giorgievski http://see.oneworld.net UK Josie Kirby http://uk.oneworld.net US Jeffrey Allen http://us.oneworld.net

We welcome your feedback. Email your comments, suggestions, and letters to the editor to useditors@oneworld.net.


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