******************************************************************** WEBOPEDIA WEEKLY NEWSLETTER Volume 10, Number 12 March 24, 2006
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Contents 1. PC Pulse - The top 15 terms from the last week 2. Webopedia Items 3. Terms of the Day - From the last week 4. New Terms 5. Recently Added Links 6. What Are DVD Regional Codes? 7. This Week on internet.com 8. List subscribing and unsubscribing
1. PC PULSE Here are the top 15 terms our users were interested in last week:
1. RAID http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,7lps,cfu2,2ezm,3q9m 2. URL http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,9rll,1nkq,2ezm,3q9m 3. OEM http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,fn94,a653,2ezm,3q9m 4. API http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,15cp,l49t,2ezm,3q9m 5. SSL http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,a8pp,aoeh,2ezm,3q9m 6. OSI Model http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,awno,4vk4,2ezm,3q9m 7. VPN http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,dv79,5vp5,2ezm,3q9m 8. CPU http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,l9xi,knb2,2ezm,3q9m 9. TCP/IP http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,5mdl,lpxa,2ezm,3q9m 10. DVI http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,9gwt,97mz,2ezm,3q9m 11. IP address http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,krn4,gxkt,2ezm,3q9m 12. proxy http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,hwwl,1xhu,2ezm,3q9m 13. router http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,jisd,j9t,2ezm,3q9m 14. ODBC http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,kep3,8qd6,2ezm,3q9m 15. SDLC http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,3ris,gc36,2ezm,3q9m
Jupiterimages - your search ends here Jupiterimages offers online subscriptions and single image downloads for clipart, Web graphics, photos, footage and music (including flash versions) via a comprehensive network of design-oriented Web sites for industry professionals and individual consumers. See what you're missing. Go to: http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,dh1n,3138,2ezm,3q9m
2. WEBOPEDIA ITEMS Webopedia's Quick Reference Area http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,1c06,7i1k,2ezm,3q9m Visit Webopedia's quick reference area to find common information about computers and the Internet.
Webopedia's Did You Know ...? Area Recently Updated: "Internet Grammar Lessons" With new technology comes new jargon, and often it takes years before we can agree on the proper spelling and usage of words that seep into our vocabulary from common usage. The proliferation of words that have sprung up since the development of the Internet is a prime example of this phenomenon. http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,dhiy,laup,2ezm,3q9m
Visit this area of Webopedia to find the answers to some commonly asked questions regarding computer technology and the Internet. http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,2ka2,acc1,2ezm,3q9m
------------------------------------------------------------------- Webopedia Search Box Available! http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,d7y2,id3h,2ezm,3q9m Put this customizable search box on your Web site, and give your users access to more than 5,000 terms and definitions.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Webopedia Categories http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,fo74,fm9s,2ezm,3q9m Webopedia's Category page allows you to browse more than 200 technology, Internet and computing categories to view listings of all related terms.
*************************************************************************** 3. TERMS OF THE DAY (March 18, 2006 - March 24, 2006)
March 24, 2006: reciprocal link http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,4tpz,itl2,2ezm,3q9m
March 23, 2006: live support http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,78hd,47g4,2ezm,3q9m
March 22, 2006: coaster http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,kn5u,lfht,2ezm,3q9m
March 21, 2006: computer cabinet http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,jb5i,c1r2,2ezm,3q9m
March 20, 2006: router http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,jisd,j9t,2ezm,3q9m
March 19, 2006: bloatware http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,hqyz,4g3y,2ezm,3q9m
March 18, 2006: ROKSO http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,hcmp,awk0,2ezm,3q9m
*************************************************************************** 4. NEW TERMS (March 20, 2006 - March 24, 2006)
HoneyMonkey http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,gthq,fwg,2ezm,3q9m
loopback http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,2cjj,dqn0,2ezm,3q9m
screedosphere http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,d49x,1a9s,2ezm,3q9m
dialer http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,k1kf,1pn1,2ezm,3q9m Seagate Technology Company http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,4z95,kp09,2ezm,3q9m
Longitudinal recording http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,6wa9,2b2x,2ezm,3q9m
Perpendicular recording http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,fvzu,dani,2ezm,3q9m
Mount Rainier http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,bekr,l5xi,2ezm,3q9m
MRW http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,b6wq,g7za,2ezm,3q9m
El Torito http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,kxx8,6p22,2ezm,3q9m
rogue access point http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,f1em,7rvp,2ezm,3q9m
Unified Threat Management http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,8avu,hmil,2ezm,3q9m
UTM http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,fypl,jz43,2ezm,3q9m
Webware http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,dgj4,dmpk,2ezm,3q9m
5. RECENTLY ADDED LINKS (March 20, 2006 - March 24, 2006)
Panda Software Panda Software is one of the world's leading creators and developers of technologies, products and services for keeping clients' IT resources free from viruses and other computer threats at the lowest possible Total Cost of Ownership. http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,dytm,lsvd,2ezm,3q9m Fort Worth Star-Telegram Article The screedosphere -- talk radio, cable news and political blogs -- made matters worse; the true believers and the furious opposition only caused anxiety. http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,few9,7hr2,2ezm,3q9m Internet Protocol Tutorial Loopback is a test mechanism of network adapters. Messages sent to do not get delivered to the network. Instead, the adapter intercepts all loopback messages and returns them to the sending application. IP applications often use this feature to test the behavior of their network interface. http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,coph,cahs,2ezm,3q9m The TCP/IP Guide - Loopback Addresses Normally, when a TCP/IP application wants to send information, that information travels down the protocol layers to IP where it is encapsulated in an IP datagram. That datagram then passes down to the data link layer of the device's physical network for transmission to the next hop, on the way to the IP destination. http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,imvg,96a8,2ezm,3q9m Microsoft's 'HoneyMonkey' effort could presage URL filtering bid A Microsoft Corp. research effort to detect and analyze Web sites that host malicious code could allow the company to one day offer enterprises the same capabilities vendors of URL filtering products have been pitching for some time now. http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,1k2q,mah4,2ezm,3q9m Strider HoneyMonkey Exploit Detection Microsoft Research Web page detailing Strider HoneyMonkey. IOncludes specifications, whitepapers, technical reports and more. http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,m31a,cd3j,2ezm,3q9m
TechWorld: Perpendicular Recording The amount of data that we can store on a disk surface, in this way, is approaching its limit. As we seek to reduce the size of the charged particles we increase the risk of distortion. As a result increased areal density, the holy grail of disk manufacturing in recent years, is becoming ever hard to meet. http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,jn7y,9d1e,2ezm,3q9m
Seagate Web site The company and products Web site for Seagate Technology Company. http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,feyp,7dc,2ezm,3q9m
Mount Rainier - Philips Intellectual Property & Standards This Web page provides general information and updates on adaptation and licensing of Mount Rainier technology. http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,66j1,25co,2ezm,3q9m
Webopedia's New Links Section: View all of this week's newly added links here. http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,j2xa,h8gr,2ezm,3q9m
6. Webopedia's Quick Reference Area March 24, 2006: "What Are DVD Regional Codes?" DVD movies are usually coded with what is called a country or regional code or a zone lock. The three names, however, mean the same thing. DVD movies are given a regional code and the code on the DVD movie must match that of the DVD player to be viewed. The region code on a DVD is a single byte of information that the player verifies. http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,44qs,fqkg,2ezm,3q9m
7. THIS WEEK ON INTERNET.COM (March 18, 2006 - March 24, 2006)
ZyXEL XtremeMIMO Wireless Broadband Router The X-550 sports the latest souped-up 802.11g features combined with firewall and network management capabilities appropriate for advanced home users and small businesses looking for a wireless broadband router. http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,fyip,572j,2ezm,3q9m
Affiliate Week Update - Google AdSense Today we take a look at the changes made to Google's popular AdSense affilite program. There are now more ways to earn money than investing in the company's stock. http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,l89i,8rrv,2ezm,3q9m
Trends in Wireless Networking Convergence, security and lower prices continue to be the hot developments in wireless networking. http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,4sfn,bv72,2ezm,3q9m
Yahoo Joins the VoIP Crowd Although it's arriving a little late to the voice-over-Internet-protocol game, Yahoo claims its services is more feature-rich and less expensive similar services from Skype, AOL and Microsoft. http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,9345,jpbx,2ezm,3q9m
Storage on the Network: What You Get From NAS March 30, 2006, 2 p.m. EST, 11 a.m. PST This Webcast first addresses the question of when to consider NAS devices, and then offers guidelines of what questions to ask before you make your NAS purchase. http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,bei8,5kf1,2ezm,3q9m
8. SUBSCRIBING AND UNSUBSCRIBING WEBOPEDIA newsletter subscription settings: http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2bnw,1,26sf,2a11,2ezm,3q9m
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