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Dear Visitor,
Here is your horoscope
for Sunday, April 30:

Your imagination is in overdrive right now. It's a good time to think big and dream up the craziest, most impossible schemes ever. The stars are in such a good mood that some of those schemes could actually be realized.

Check out your horoscopes for yesterday, tomorrow, or today's extended.

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The Astrology.com Team http://www.astrology.com/

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Additional Horoscopes

Aries: Resist getting drawn into someone else's drama, no matter what. While you may feel like you could fix things up in a flash, you could end up caught in a spiral of events that have nothing to do with you.

Taurus: It's time to call up an old friend who's been on your mind for a while. They have a fabulous adventure, and you're a more than willing companion. All this fun might lead to a life-changing decision.

Gemini: Feeling restless? No wonder. Stop trying to pretend that you're not feeling frantic. Channel all that energy into some exercise, or go and indulge in something luxurious and body-centered. How about a massage?

Cancer: Even the most glittering festivity can't compete with your soul-deep craving for privacy right now. It's a wonderful time to retreat to your cozy nest and hang out there with you and your thoughts. Explore your depths.

Leo: You love giving advice, and others love receiving it. Just make sure that they ask for it -- otherwise you could be accused of acting like a busybody, even though that's far from your intention.

Virgo: Why are you so intent on chasing someone who's so clearly bad news, especially when they are clearly a repeat of a pattern from your past? Before you dive into this disaster, examine your motives -- your real motives.

Libra: Make your health a priority by ditching that couch-potato attitude and focusing on fitness. It's not about achieving impossible goals -- your health is a long-term project. Start small and work up from there.

Scorpio: Spend some time with an old friend. It's easy to take certain connections for granted, especially when someone has been in your life for a long time. The stars say now is the time to reinforce that bond.

Sagittarius: Face it -- you care a lot more about this person than you've been letting on. How can you figure out what to do next if you don't know what's going on now? The worst kinds of lies, after all, are the ones you tell yourself.

Capricorn: So what if you don't have a barrel of money? You have unlimited resources where it counts -- your imagination. Whether you're sprucing up your wardrobe or your life, your creativity paves the way.

Aquarius: Your charm and social nature put you in good stead, especially when something difficult needs to be broached. While you love putting your skills to use for a great cause, make sure you're not being overworked on tasks like these.

Pisces: Your imagination is in overdrive right now. It's a good time to think big and dream up the craziest, most impossible schemes ever. The stars are in such a good mood that some of those schemes could actually be realized.

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