

Daily Romantic Horoscope for Singles

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Dear Visitor,
Here is your single's love horoscope
for Monday, May 1:

It's the perfect day for romance, as far as you're concerned. Whether you're going out looking for a connection or trying to take things to a deeper level with your latest crush, you've got it going on.

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Aries: It's time for you to get serious about something deeply personal. It might be as simple as organizing your home, or it could be a huge deal relating to how you choose to live your life.

Taurus: If you speak from the heart or make a move, the odds are good that you'll get the response you're looking for. You don't need to make a big show out of it, though -- just say the words.

Gemini: You will be feeling a little extra possessive for now, so try to make sure that if you're seeing someone casually that it stays low-key. Wait a little longer before making a big play.

Cancer: Listen to your instincts when making decisions right now. You're feeling powerful thanks to the surge of emotional intelligence that is flooding you, so you'll feel confident that you're doing the right thing.

Leo: You need to make sure that everyone is getting along well, despite yourself. It might not be a good time for group dates unless you know in advance that everyone will be copasetic.

Virgo: You need to offer some assistance to someone else -- it can be anyone -- before you can get your own life back to where you want it. That act of giving will come back to you many times over.

Libra: Expect a meeting with a friend of a friend that could send sparks flying. You don't know it yet, but there's someone already in your social network who would make a great match for you.

Scorpio: You need to let the dating process evolve organically and give up trying to control it -- at least for now. Open yourself up to surprises and be ready to follow that cutie's lead if the time is right.

Sagittarius: You're not so sure about the current situation. It might not be setting off five alarms, but there's something that's not quite right that you need to figure out before you're going to be able to move forward.

Capricorn: Your emotions will be in the extremes right now, so don't read too much into them until you get more data. It could be that you really are furious or deeply crushed out, but give it a few days, just to be sure.

Aquarius: Your emotions might be a little overwhelming right now, but that doesn't mean that you can't still deal with life in a straightforward manner. Try to make sure that everything gets done.

Pisces: It's the perfect day for romance, as far as you're concerned. Whether you're going out looking for a connection or trying to take things to a deeper level with your latest crush, you've got it going on.

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