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July 31, 2008 | ||
Tech InsiderTechnology & Science News, Product Reviews |
| Inside: This Week in Technology
TECHNOLOGY Demand Surges on Foreclosure Sites The housing bust is driving loads of traffic to related Web sites, from one that searches for foreclosure lawyers to others that give timely tips COMPANIES CEO and Chairman Out at Alcatel-Lucent Was the transatlantic merger even worth it? With Patricia Russo and Serge Tchuruk both stepping down, the company will have to convince investors BUYOUTS Gores' Siemens Buy: One Big Bet Buyout specialist Alec Gores sees promise in Siemens' troubled telecom business CONSUMER ELECTRONICS Cell Phones Hurt Sony Earnings Sony blamed mobile-phone unit Sony Ericcson, among other things, for its 39% decline in first-quarter operating profits THE TECH BEAT HP, Intel and Yahoo Team Up on Cloud Computing The three tech giants are building a global project for large-scale computing TECHNOLOGY For Corporate Boards, a Global Search Western companies, especially tech multinationals like SAP and Nokia, have begun looking to Asia's emerging markets for their next board leaders CEO GUIDE TO TECHNOLOGY Public-Private Alliances to the Rescue Many companies are realizing that they can play a crucial role in helping communities recover from natural catastrophes CEO GUIDE TO TECHNOLOGY Making Maps Work When Disaster Strikes GeoCommons, OpenStreetMap, and Mapufacture are three online hubs where people can collaboratively map areas, which could help in emergencies CEO GUIDE TO TECHNOLOGY The Do-Good Imperative Some of the most innovative ideas today are coming from efforts to address the needs of those most in need SPECIAL REPORT Best Young Entrepreneurs of Tech As the economy slumps, many entrepreneurs are looking past consumer Web sites to focus on products and services for companies SPECIAL REPORT The Power of Play Check out our special report on the current gaming industry, including an analysis of trends for 2008, profiles of radical innovators—and introducing the BusinessWeek Arcade, a celebration of some of the Web's best free games SUSTAINABLE TECH Special Report: Sustainable Tech Scientists are experimenting with viruses, salmon sperm DNA, potatoes, and more in making biomaterials for consumer electronics TECH HOMELAND SECURITY Homeland Insecurity The Homeland Security Dept.'s overreliance on outside contractors and insufficient management of them could leave the U.S. vulnerable TECH PIONEERS Meet This Year's Tech Pioneers The World Economic Forum has bestowed the coveted honor on 39 companies, which could become the Googles, a previous winner, of tomorrow BEST OF THE WEB Scaling the Social Web Move over, MySpace. Online players from media giant Viacom to auctioneer eBay are adding networking features for their users TECHNOLOGY SPECIAL REPORT Selling Computers to India With growth slowing in China, computer makers hope Asia's other big market will pick up the slack SPECIAL REPORT The Power of Gaming A recent report estimates that the video game market will increase to $48.9 billion in 2011. Our special report looks at some of the innovations sparking this growth SPECIAL REPORT The Future of Social Networking A rising tide of companies are tapping Semantic Web technologies to unearth hard-to-find connections between disparate pieces of online data CEO Guide to Green Computing As a threat to operations and the bottom line, corporate computing's fast-growing power consumption is forcing companies to adopt green energy VIRTUAL LIFE The Coming Virtual Web In the future, the Internet is almost certain to look more realistic, interactive, and social—a lot like a virtual world CEO GUIDE TO TECHNOLOGY Taming the World Wide Web A rising tide of companies are tapping Semantic Web technologies to unearth hard-to-find connections between disparate pieces of online data SPECIAL REPORT Wireless World Ultrafast networks and whizzy features are about to turn your cellphone into—well, your right arm NEXT-GEN GAME CONSOLES Game Definitely Not Over On the eve of the launch of PS3 and Wii, stakes in the console tussle amid Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft have never been higher CEO Guide to Social Networks Networking technology gives companies a new set of tools for recruiting and customer service PREDICTION MARKETS CEO Guide to Technology -- Prediction Markets More corporations are setting up their own markets for economic forecasts, hoping to tap into the wisdom of employees WEB SERVICES The On-Demand Software Scrum Oracle, Microsoft, and SAP are battling each other—and smaller players—to gain a bigger slice of a fast-growing pie SPECIAL REPORT Computer Security Computer-based fraudsters are finding new ways to trick people—not technology—to get the information they seek SPECIAL REPORT Young Entrepreneurs of Tech We surveyed dozens of the country's biggest venture capitalists to come up with a short list of the 11 young people that are shaking up tech HEART HEALTH Heart, Heal Thyself? So far, stem cells have not delivered the results scientists hoped for. But excitement is still rising SPECIAL REPORT Open Source's New Frontiers How free software startups are challenging industry giants SPECIAL REPORT Eight Tech Trends for 2006 Tech Special Report on living-room wars, social search, wireless' new world, Web moviemakers—and lots more SPECIAL REPORT Computing's Next Generation For the first time in years, hardware startups are trying to break into the market. Their gambit: Inexpensive special-purpose machines SPECIAL REPORT TV Goes Broadband Name any gizmo. Chances are it's gotten more sophisticated since you last looked SPECIAL REPORT: YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS OF TECH Tech's Young Turks Are Back As Internet companies and the economy in general rebound, so has the college-age entrepreneur—but it's a tougher road today IT white papers, webcasts and reports for tech leaders and decision-makers |
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Starbucks: No Perking Up
The recent closing of 600 stores is just the beginning of the fall for this bloated coffee chain. Pro or con?
Surviving a BlackBerry Outage
Arik Hesseldahl demonstrates a way to keep getting e-mail on your BlackBerry even when the BlackBerry network is down, by using Webmail applications
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CEO Guide to Disaster Readiness | |
Public-Private Alliances to the RescueMany companies are realizing that they can play a crucial role in helping communities recover from natural catastrophesThe Do-Good ImperativeMaking Maps Work When Disaster StrikesPodcast: Disaster TechBusiness's Role in Disaster PreventionAfter Fires, What Next for Businesses?A New Kind of First ResponderThe Read Disaster: Inadequate Preparation |
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