

Obama's Drug Cops Start Pot Raids | Soaring Drug War Violence in Mexico | CNBC's Weed Porn Programming

AlterNet: The Mix is the Message   DrugReporter Newsletter
January 30th, 2009
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Marijuana Reform Is Part of the Progressive Agenda, So Why Are Obama's Drug Cops Already Making Pot Raids?  

Marijuana Reform Is Part of the Progressive Agenda, So Why Are Obama's Drug Cops Already Making Pot Raids?
By Paul Armentano, AlterNet
Pot-reform activists have swarmed Obama's Change.gov, and huge majorities voted for pot reform in election '08, but no change yet from Obama. Read more »

Obama's Choice: Sane U.N. Drug Policy or the Same Old Failed War-on-Drugs Routine?  

Obama's Choice: Sane U.N. Drug Policy or the Same Old Failed War-on-Drugs Routine?

America's current foreign policy has very little impact on reducing supply, consumption or cultivation. Obama has a big chance to turn it around. Read more »

CNBC's Marijuana, Inc: An Odd Mix of Weed Porn and Anti-Drug Propaganda  

CNBC's Marijuana, Inc: An Odd Mix of Weed Porn and Anti-Drug Propaganda

A one-hour program devoted to the pot industry is one long propaganda project for the ONDCP. Read more »

Mexican Drug War Violence Is Going off the Charts  

Mexican Drug War Violence Is Going off the Charts

Mexico's drug war has escalated to the level of increasing concern among US policy and defense analysts. Read more »

Obama on the Precipice: The Ten Worst Things He Could Do When He Takes Over  

Obama on the Precipice: The Ten Worst Things He Could Do When He Takes Over

What will Obama do, and how could he screw it up, given the fact that pretty much everything is riding on him getting things right the first time? Read more »


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