Momversation: Is "momnesia" real?I'm the headliner on today's Momversation, and I'm talking about parentally-induced brain impairment: Momnesia: Is it real? Commiserating along with me: Daphne (Cool Mom) and Nataly (Work it, Mom!). There are those who say becoming a mother makes you smarter, and, indeed, I've accomplished some great things -- such as PARENTING -- in the years since my kids were born. Also, Parent Hacks debuted when my son was in kindergarten and my daughter was a baby. I'm not being coy. I'm not arguing that I'm dumber, just more distractible. These days, I can barely read a full-length book. I leap up from whatever I'm doing to do something else before I forget. There is radio static in my head. What about you? Do you have Mommy Brain? And (just to stir the pot a little) is it a female thing? My husband seems to have little problem filtering out the mental noise when he wants to get something done. One could argue he's teaching the kids to respect his time more effectively than I am. What do you think? Keep up! Subscribe to the Momversation episode feed or comment feed, or via iTunes. Sign up for the weekly newsletter, follow Momversation on Twitter, or become a fan on Facebook. On Parent Hacks at: Amazon: Queen-size AeroBed, Earth's Best organic formula, baby care discountsHere's what I found in today's Amazon Friday sale Earlier this week we talked about the AeroBed for Kids, and, while it generally got great PHer reviews, some commented that it's too small to be practical. Looks like Amazon's got an AeroBed thing goin' on, because the queen-size AeroBed Bed Essential showed up in today's sale for $109.99 (45% off the usual $200).
I also discovered the "Manager's Special" page that lists discounted baby care products On Parent Hacks at: Empty cleaning wipes bottle as safe disposal container for used needles and razor bladesFrom Kimberley: I recently read the parent hack for storing yarn in an old cleaning wipes bottle. Talk about recycling! Awesome. Well, after reading this I realized that I re-purpose a wipes bottle as well. I have terrible migraines that can trigger a seizure if not treated immediately. Being allergic to certain medications I am limited to what I can use. One of the medications comes in the form of a shot. As you can imagine, storing used needles until they can be disposed of properly is a big concern. I didn't want to risk my child getting hurt if she came across one nor did I want those who deal with our trash to be injured. I was about to dispose of an empty disinfectant wipes container and realized it was the perfect solution to the problem. We've labeled the container so that it doesn't get left out for little hands to reach. It's also perfect for storing used razor blades. Anything sharp that has to go into the trash is stored in the Lysol Wipes container until it's full and ready to be disposed of properly. We keep it in our childproof locked linen closet on a high shelf that is out of reach. On Parent Hacks at: Outgrown playard works well as small toy "corral"Margo's smart playpen repurpose: I recently came up with a new use for the Pack n' Play. My two year-old daughter has outgrown hers. But she's now into playing with all sorts of small stuff that's hard to clean up (uncooked rice, small letters, etc). So instead of fighting with the cleanup, I put her in the playpen, give her uncooked pasta (those $1 boxes pay for themselves in no time!), spoons, a couple of containers and let her have at it. After she's done, I take her out of the playpen, lift the bottom mattress, gather all the rice/beans/pasta in a container and feel happy that I don't have to clean the entire house! Related: Pack 'n Play doubles as a play fort On Parent Hacks at: More Recent Articles
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