

Seeds of SUCCESS - April 28, 2009

John Maxwell - What are you really good at?

The Guide to Being a Founder

Ken Fisher knows a little something about money. In fact, he founded his own company, Fisher Investments, in 1979. Today, Fisher has more than $45 billion in assets and is No. 281 on Forbes' list of the 400 richest Americans. Here's his advice on succeeding with your American dream:

Pick the right road. Which part of the world can you change? Select an area that will remain relevant or one you can fathom steering out of irrelevancy.

Start small, dream big. Don't dream of being like Nike. Find an area that needs change or improvement, no matter how small. But think in terms of scalability.

Innovate or improve. Create something novel or improve something—or do both. Novel is a marvel, but it's OK just to be a better, faster, cheaper, more profitable version of something that already exists.

Build to sell or build to last. Decide early, because these are different mindsets. You can think like a buyer, building an empire and later deciding to sell. But to build to last, you must think like an owner.

Ignore naysayers. The bigger you are, the more you will be attacked. So build your toughness.

Never quit your clients. Stay with your prospects and customers even when you have great sales representatives. You never, ever get to quit clients or potential clients or else your business will disappear.

Read more from Ken Fisher in this month's issue of SUCCESS.

Seeds of SUCCESS Recommends:
John C. Maxwell's Put Your Dream to the Test Kit

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Publishers Blog

Workaholics Anonymous—A 12-Step Program of Recovery and Personal Transformation (Cheat Sheet)

Do you have this problem, too?
Every day, I wake up and have to fight my old patterns and tendencies and take on the firestorms that are thrown my way. I'm either not practicing what I have been preaching here or, worst yet, am forgetting the key lessons. I have often even come to my blog to review my own instruction to see what I've forgotten or haven't been practicing. Read the rest of Darren's Blog.

SUCCESS Book Summaries


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