

Naomi Klein: Capitalism, Sarah Palin-Style | Whack Job Birther Movement | Maddow Mystified by 'Teabagger' Insult

AlterNet: The Mix is the Message   Headlines Newsletter
July 30th, 2009
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Naomi Klein: Let's Put an End to Sarah Palin-Style Capitalism  

Naomi Klein: Let's Put an End to Sarah Palin-Style Capitalism
By Naomi Klein, The Progressive
Capitalism can survive this crisis. But the world can't survive another capitalist comeback. Read more »

Obama Accused of Continuing Bush's Racial Profiling of Immigrants  

Obama Accused of Continuing Bush's Racial Profiling of Immigrants

While Obama's racial diplomacy with Skip Gates is making the headlines, rights groups say that he has expanded Bush's racist immigration policies. Read more »

Why Midwestern Small Towns Have Been Ravaged by Meth Addiction  

Why Midwestern Small Towns Have Been Ravaged by Meth Addiction

Nick Reding's book "Methland" argues that the shocking rates of meth addiction in the US heartland are in many ways a product of globalization. Read more »

Gonzo Gastronomy: How the Food Industry Has Made Bacon a Weapon of Mass Destruction -- Readers Write  

Gonzo Gastronomy: How the Food Industry Has Made Bacon a Weapon of Mass Destruction -- Readers Write

AlterNet readers had a lot to say about a recent article on the health and environmental impact of bacon production. Read more »

Birther Whack Jobs: Citizens of Idiot America  

Birther Whack Jobs: Citizens of Idiot America

Also: Join MoveOn's fight take on Lou Dobbs and put this paranoid and racist movement to an end. Read more »

'I'm Pretty. You're Ugly. Buy This' -- Why Fashion Magazines Are on the Decline  

'I'm Pretty. You're Ugly. Buy This' -- Why Fashion Magazines Are on the Decline

Fashion glossies are about making their readers feel bad. Are women tired of their prettier-than-thou bullying? Read more »

Is Vancouver About to Become the Greenest City in the World?  

Is Vancouver About to Become the Greenest City in the World?

The city has made a rapid transition: It draws 90% of its energy from renewables, has a booming bicycle culture and a very popular progressive mayor. Read more »

Sen. Russ Feingold: White House Is Whistling Past Afghan Graveyard  

Sen. Russ Feingold: White House Is Whistling Past Afghan Graveyard

In an exclusive interview, Feingold argues why his lone vote to oppose expanding the military by 30,000 soldiers was the right one. Read more »

  PEEK and Video: The hottest buzz and videos on the web  

Responding to a Cheerleader for the Afghan War  

Responding to a Cheerleader for the Afghan War

Liberal hawk Peter Bergen fails to address core questions about the occupation, such as why the US is fighting the Taliban in the first place. Read more »

Conservative Genius: No Need to Fight Global Warming, Cause an Asteroid Might Hit Earth  

Conservative Genius: No Need to Fight Global Warming, Cause an Asteroid Might Hit Earth

Jonah Goldberg has found a creative new argument against efforts to fight global warming. Read more »

Fox Refuses to Air  

Fox Refuses to Air "Family Guy" Abortion Episode

The episode will likely be distributed on DVD. Read more »


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