

Thrillist Hamptons: T-Studio 54

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Stoli, the vodka from the Wild Wild East, wants you to have
a summer filled with opulence, intrigue, and munificent
cocktails, like the Blakberi Iced Tea: 1 part Stoli
Blakberi. 3 parts fresh sweetened iced tea. Serve over ice
and garnish with a mint sprig. Perform celebratory shimmy.
Enjoy the hell out of your summer with more cocktails from

Thrillist Hamptons
Thursday July 30, 2009


Saturdays through Labor Day Weekend, 3 - 7 PM: 69 Main St.;
East Hampton; 631.324.0540

If you're actually aware that there are students in the
Hamptons, you probably only consider them valuable for
valeting your parties and ungratefully refusing to return
the favor by hiring you for theirs. Now, Hamptons students
are putting a shirt on your back, at T-Studio.

The T's a collaboration between the new East Hampton
Hilfiger store, opened in May with an expansive second floor
studio overlooking Main Street, and the Applied Arts SVA in
Amagansett, who've augmented their course offerings (The
Films of John Cassavetes; Surf's Up, where students
photograph local surfers) with a program that allows
students to design, press, and sell locally inflected
t-shirts, with the pressing done right before the customers'
brunch-glazed eyes. New designs are unveiled weekly, the two
latest being "I Lived Here Since Before You Were Invited"
and "Have You Seen the Pool Boy"; older, still available
numbers include a "Local"/"Visitor"/"Unwanted Guest" series,
the Jitney schedule, the Lobster Roll logo, and Main Sagg,
Georgica & Wiborg beaches; upcoming action runs from a dune
fence, to a cougar (the animal, but clearly
representing...the animal), to sweater sleeves tied over the
shoulders, which'll crack everyone up after they untie the
sweater sleeves over your shoulders. Customization's handled
on the spot: select the color of the ink and fabric (red,
brown, white...cerise?), then place the design wherever
you'd like, be it centered, on the side, or, if stripping's
the best job you can get with your limited education and
hot-but-fading looks, on the lower back.

Sweet bonus: Every Saturday the first 50 customers get their
shirt for free, losses that'll be partially offset by the
donation of the press to the school at the end of the
summer. Also, did you steal the Hall & Oates CD out of my

Find out more about the T-Studio here: http://themove.thrillist.com/link.php?M=2181171&N=58092&C=25f0fb7663659a52572fbc99fe5fd818&L=50660

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