

Thrillist New York: Lay Your Weary Head To Best

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To enjoy the real deal go to:

------------------Allied Listing------------------
Enter here for a shot at winning the Pepsi Max-selected Pool
Fantasy Package, which could include anything from Kiwi
sunglasses that double as architectural masterpieces, to an
aquatic blackjack set, to headphones that'll let you fully
submerge while listening to Styx:

Thrillist New York
Friday July 31, 2009

Best of the Best

Like muddling a drink with your wang, this month's Best of
the Best will both soothe you and help you get your swerve on.

Emailed to Las Vegas: Hardcore Watches
Inspired by his work on custom motorcycles, Hardcore's Steve
Soffa initially launched his poker-demonic watch line in
2005 at the Laughlin River Run biker rally, but has now
opted for a small, industrial-vibed showcase at the Rio,
where rallying just means sweetening your coffee with Red Bull.
Get more harrrrrrrrdcore here:

Emailed to Boston: Nintendo Controller Soap
Complete your shower using one of these original NES
controller replica soap bars from local soapmaker Dirty *ss
Soaps; bars are the exact size of the real thing, weigh
4.6oz, and are made of shea butter with a "Mountain Dew"
fragrance, which you were previously only allowed to consume
on weekends, when the babysitter let you rent Ninja Gaiden,
so she could French with her boyfriend Ted.
Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start here:

Emailed to Nation: Warranty Elephant
Helmed by a Torontonian who had to pay to repair his TV
after losing his warranty documentation, WE was initially
created as a simple way for his family and friends to store
and track their own warranties, but has recently thrown open
its doors to the public so everyone can "Buy It, Save It,
and Forget It", adding a crucial middle step to correct your
time-honored pattern.
Stop forgetting your stuff here:

Emailed to San Francisco: Stunner of the Month
Haight-headquartered SOTM's a just-launched subscription
service that delivers you a pair o' stunner shades each
month for nine bucks, which're hand sourced globally and
guaranteed to be legitimately rare, totally unbranded, and
worth their $9/month pricetag...yayyy!
Look like the unbridled jackarse you are here:

Emailed to Miami: Seat N' Eat Picnic Cooler Combo
Because girlfriends loooove picnics, grab the born-in-Fla
Seat n' Eat, a picnic & cooler set you can haul over your
shoulder, and carry two each of plates, cups, sets of
flatware, red-and-white check napkins, and 12 cans of beer.
Added bonus: it pops open to form a stool, which includes
the special dating safety feature of only supporting 250 lbs.
Women be all picnicking...here:

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