

Thrillist Boston: Festivus For The Best Of Us

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Do summer Fridays right by leaving work early and hitting
the Liberty Hotel's Alibi Lounge for a Heineken Light on
Thrillist. The deal runs from 4-6p this Friday -- click here
for a calendar of upcoming Summer Friday action, and get
those totally believable excuses ready for your boss.

Thrillist Boston
Friday July 31, 2009

Best of the Best

Because you're gross: embrace the low humidity cool
emanating from our Best Of.

Emailed to Chicago: Benjamin Heckendorn
From a former Wisco graphic artist who found his true
calling after hacking an old Atari system into a portable
console, BH makes mind-blowing custom modifications to
popular video game systems, both modern and retro, yielding
slick results that look like something sent from the future,
where modified gaming systems have overthrown the humans,
yet have trouble dating because they're always playing each
He's even got YouTube clips of some of his crazy projects:

Emailed to Philadelphia: Don't Even Reply
A collection of hilarious online volleys, DER's regularly
updated with bizarre exchanges between posters of
Philly-based 'net classifieds and a PSU student who lures
his cybermarks with faux sincerity before
baiting-and-switching to punish their audacity to try and
sell a truck.
Like "Letters from a Nut", the hilarity never ceases:

Emailed to Nation: Bullet Pen .375
Made from an authentic .375 H&H mag shell, this lacquered
brass pen's under 4" long with the slide cap on (5" when
it's placed on the bottom), and is also an official Space
Pen, so even as you lie on you back slowly bleeding to
death, you can scrawl a warning to others to bring non-pen
bullets when hunting ocelots.
Writing sucks less when it's with a deadly weapon:

Emailed to New York: The Hall of Mascots
From the obsessive info-graphers at GOOD mag, the Hall
assigns the mascots of the big-four pro leagues to branches
on the animal kingdom tree, revealing weirdly fascinating
insights like that eight teams are repped by mammals (The
Pats' Pat Patriot, the Padres' Swinging Friar, etc), four by
fish & dinos (Florida Marlins' Billy, Colorado Rockies'
Dinger the Triceratops...), and only one by a mollusk, the
Detroit Red Wings' Al the Octopus -- ostensibly because a
fish market owner once threw an octopus on the ice for good
luck, and it worked, for the hockey team...
Ever wonder what you'd get if your two favorite mascots
mated?: http://themove.thrillist.com/link.php?M=2181171&N=226904&C=25f0fb7663659a52572fbc99fe5fd818&L=50814

Emailed to Atlanta: JobTitled
Conceived by a GA Tech & GSU-schooled computer science grad,
JT gives a free overview of the directions a slew of careers
tend to go, as determined by leveraging job boards, blogs,
forums, and public databases for resumes, work histories,
and other "historical data", still images of which will be
slowly zoomed in on by Ken Burns.
Why wait for that promotion, figure out your career
trajectory right now: http://themove.thrillist.com/link.php?M=2181171&N=226904&C=25f0fb7663659a52572fbc99fe5fd818&L=50815

Read our Editorial Policy - http://themove.thrillist.com/link.php?M=2181171&N=226904&C=25f0fb7663659a52572fbc99fe5fd818&L=21126

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