

Thrillist Philadelphia: Best Side Story

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Thrillist Philadelphia
Friday July 31, 2009

Best of the Best

Brimming with choice selections from our nationwide network,
July's Best Of proves Thrillist'll go absolutely anywhere to
keep you informed. Except Detroit.

Emailed to Nation: Micro Beer Cycling Jerseys
Featuring moisture-wicking "Euro Mesh" fabric, three rear
pockets, and a 3/4 concealed zipper, these bike jerseys rock
art from craft beer producers, including a bright yellow job
featuring Lucky Lab's canine mascot (wearing a bike helmet
on back); a baby blue/black piece inspired by Hair of the
Dog's cigar chomping, chapeau'd bulldog; and the tatted,
Cheshire-grinning visage of a carny from Schmaltz's Coney
Island Lager, which also replaces Gatorade along the route
of the Pour de France.
Pick up a boozy jersey you won't regret in the morning:

Emailed to San Francisco: The Element Grill
Straight out of SF, the gas-powered Element's a sleek,
vertically compact grill that boasts the same aesthetics and
functionality that put high-end outdoor product crafters
Fuego on the map, at a fraction of the price of their other
stuff, but not one of those uppity compound fractions.
Get 24,000 BTUs of awesome up in yo' grill:

Emailed to New York: Kickstarter
From an altruistic group of Brooklyners, Kick helps the
industrious-but-poor fund worthy projects by providing a
forum for their impressively earnest video pitches (some of
which involve pie charts), then hooking them up with folks
who have a bit of cash to spare (so, a giving tree grows in
Can you kick it? Yes you can. Can you click it? Yes you can:

Emailed to Washington DC: Commonwealth's Summer Tees
District streetwear messiah Commonwealth has just dropped
seven new tees for summer (each in several colorways),
including one with a book inscribed with "freedom", a globe
clasped by a hand covered in the labels of recently
bailed-out companies, and a James Brown homage with stars
surrounding "Thy name is Godfather of Soul" on the back,
allowing you to pay tribute to the caped showbiz legend, so
long as you have the good taste to not wear one of your own.
Forget the bag, Papa -- get a brand new shirt:

Emailed to Dallas: LOFTWall
Launched by a Rhode Island School of Design grad with a
decade-plus of furniture and interior design experience,
LOFTWall makes patent-pending, modular room partitions
consisting of a sleek, matte-silver aluminum frame fillable
by an array of decorative panels that insert into the
armature like Connect Four coins, but don't drop
traumatically out a trap door when your little brother pwns.
Magically transform your one-bedroom apartment into a
three-room suite: http://themove.thrillist.com/link.php?M=2181171&N=226908&C=25f0fb7663659a52572fbc99fe5fd818&L=50917

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