

About Europe Travel: War and Peace

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  from James Martin
Funny how things sorta come together to make sense in an odd sorta way. Today's articles about places you can visit to get insight on the brutality of WWI coupled with the solitude of the Tuscan sanctuary where St. Francis received the (painful, I'm assuming) stigmata. I hope you enjoy; I'm on an airplane at the moment, zooming toward Frankfurt, Germany.

In the Spotlight
WWI War Memorials and Battlefields
Here's some of the best places to go to try to understand the brutality of trench warfare in Europe after the turn of the 20th century. I'm not a fan of war, but if a visit to these places doesn't send a shiver down your spine, probably nothing will.

           More Topics
Pictures of La Verna Sanctuary
La Verna is a peaceful sanctuary in the Arezzo province of Tuscany where St. Francis received the stigmata. It is beautifully situated in a birch woodland, and a pilgrimage destination for those on the trail of St. Francis. See our pictures of La Verna.

Fall Travel Tips and Recommended Tours
Fall is my favorite time to travel. That's why I'm stuffed into this tiny seat on a plane right now. See why I suffer so by taking a look at the activities and tours I recommend in this updated article.

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Top Picks - Maps of Spain and Portugal - Michelin Road Maps of Spain and Portugal  from your  Europe Travel  Guide
If you're going to Spain or Portugal, a good map is quite valuable. I've used Michelin maps for years, and I haven't gotten too lost yet. Here are some of the most popular Michelin maps of Spain and Portugal--some of the whole country, some more detailed maps of sections or regions of France. If you're going to do much driving off the main roads, the detailed maps are essential.

1) Michelin Spain & Portugal Folded Map
A good overall map covering both Spain and Portugal, useful for trip planning and driving on the main highways.

2) Michelin Castilla Y Leon Madrid Map Spain
A map for Madrid and the region that surounds it, the Castilla Y Leon.

3) Rough Guide Northern Spain Map
Map with the main and secondary roads for the northern regions of Spain.

The color is coming!
Fall Foliage in Scandinavia
Yet another reason to visit Europe in the fall, the colors. And where are they most intense? Go north. See these fall foliage pictures taken in Scandinavia.
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France for Visitors Greece for Visitors United Kingdom / Ireland for Visitors
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