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In This Issue Editor's Note with Jeff Cogswell
Jeff CogswellBack to LINQ to XML
Welcome back! How good is your XML development? With the help of LINQ to XML, XML development is pretty easy. I know; I've worked with it a good bit and it's much easier to process large XML hierarchies without having to worry about writing callback functions that step through every single element, which is the way we used to have to do it. Our resident blogger, Julia, has taken on a project where she had to process weather reports. Have a look at her blog to see how she used LINQ to XML to make it happen.

Many of DevSource's readers have had to venture into other areas of development from what we've covered in the past. One area I hear about a lot is Java development. Java, as you know, has been around for sometime, and although its usage may be declining, a lot of new development is still done in it. But what if you need to access ADO.NET from a Java Client? Turns out there's an open-source product that will help you get the job done. eWEEK's Darryl Taft has an update on what the tool is and where you can get it.

And speaking of other technologies, are you doing much Web development? These days it's hard to escape Web development without using a good, solid JavaScript library. One popular library is the Yahoo User Interface (or YUI) library, created by none other than Yahoo. After quite some time of development, Yahoo has released version 3.0 of its popular YUI library. We have an update on it, and watch this space for a review by yours truly in the weeks to come.


Channel News
MSDev BlogIntel Trial Downloads
DevLife BlogLinq to XML!
Building an XML file with Google's Weather and LINQ to XML
Julie's gathering XML weather feeds and processing it with LINQ to XML. Check it out!

Facebook Releases Website Translation Tool to Developers
Facebook took its software tool for letting users all over the world translate the social network into other languages and made it available free to developers.

Yahoo Opens Homepage to Developers, Launches YUI 3
Yahoo is opening its homepage to developers to build applications that can be featured in the Yahoo homepage gallery. Meanwhile, the company also released a new version of the Yahoo User Interface, YUI 3.0.

Palm Delivers webOS 1.2
Palm announced webOS 1.2, the latest operating system for its Palm Pre smartphones. Palm also requests user feedback on features to include in the next version of its OS.

Java and ADO.NET Bridged through REST
Microsoft, along with Noelios Technologies, released an updated technology that helps developers bridge Java and ADO.NET using REST (Representational State Transfer Technology).

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