

Developer Shed Weekly SEO News for 2010-01-01

January 1st, 2010

Greetings! Depending on when you receive this, it's either the last SEO Chat newsletter for 2009 or the first one for 2010. Either way, here's hoping 2010 will be a better, more profitable year for your than 2009 was. Certain trends are likely to loom larger, such as cloud computing â€" which looks like it will turn into a three-way war between Microsoft, IBM, and Google, according to eWeek. Check it out for a glimpse of the future.

If you've resolved to further your SEO education, you'll appreciate the articles we published this week. Wednesday's article showed you how to get answers to some important questions about your site with Google Webmaster Tools. Tuesday's item showed you how to track your site's conversion rates with Google Analytics. And on Monday, we concluded a two-part piece on how to use Facebook to promote your website.

You'll also want to check out Tutorialized, where you'll find more than 100 SEO-related tutorials on topics such as choosing keywords, website promotion, and more. You can also share your expertise with the whole world by submitting your own tutorial. Best of all, it's free.

Since this is the time of year when everyone seems to be making resolutions, this week's thread shares the hopes, dreams, and plans of some of our members for 2010. Feel free to stop by the thread and add your resolutions to the list!

Finally, our Spotlight, just for readers of our newsletter, is a reprint from earlier this year. Just in case you were feeling hopeless or frustrated at the thought that “if my company was big like Microsoft, I wouldn't have to do SEO,” you'll find that they are, in fact, bound by the same rules. So how did they get to the top of the SERPs? And can you duplicate what they did for your site? Scroll down to the Spotlight to find out.

As always, thanks for reading.

Until next time,
SEO Chat Staff

SEO FAQ Answered by Google Webmaster Tools
How to Track Conversion Rates in Google Analytics
Setting Up Feedburner for SEO
SEO on Tutorialized
SEO Thread of The Week
SEO Chat News Spotlight
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It's edgy! It's irreverent! It's all about technology! It's News You Can't Use,
and you won't want to miss it! View this week's edition to learn the answers to these burning questions:

SEO FAQ Answered by Google Webmaster Tools
by Codex-M

If you own a website, having an account with Google Webmaster Tools is invaluable. It can provide you with a wide variety of information about your site, its traffic, and how Google perceives it. In particular, webmasters just starting to learn SEO have many questions, and Google Webmaster Tools has the answers.

Webmasters just starting to learn search engine optimization often asked a lot of repetitive questions in SEO forums that can often be answered accurately and precisely by Google Webmaster Tools .

More often, webmasters or bloggers who do not have a Google Webmaster Tools account for their own website or blog end up asking a lot of questions or become confused when diagnosing technical website/SEO-related issues. This free tool created by Google can provide more information -- more than you can imagine -- and can often answer both basic and advanced frequently-asked questions (FAQ) in SEO.

Read SEO FAQ Answered by Google Webmaster Tools


How to Track Conversion Rates in Google Analytics
by Codex-M

If you use Google Analytics and you are trying to increase the conversions on your website, keep reading. This article will show you how to set up conversion tracking using this service, which is a good first step.

A site's conversion rate is defined as the number of successful transactions divided by the number of total unique visitors. A "successful transaction" is a broad measurement; for an e-commerce website, this could mean a sale , so the conversion rate formula would be the number of sales divided by the total number of unique visitors.

Any webmaster can measure the conversion rate of their website using Google Analytics. This comprises an advanced use of Google Analytics, and is not common to the majority of Google Analytics users.

Read How to Track Conversion Rates in Google Analytics

Setting Up Feedburner for SEO
by Ivan Strouchliak

You learned the basics of Feedburner and its relationship to SEO in the first part of this two-part series. Now in the second part, you will learn the detailed technical procedures for integrating Feedburner with your website to maximize subscribers and also increase the chance of getting organic links.

Before you read further, make sure you have a fully working Feedburner account; you'll need a Google account to get one.

I assume that at this stage you have already added your site's default RSS feeds to Feedburner by following the steps discussed in the previous tutorial (part 1). Now you need to configure that to get the most out of Feedburner.

Read Setting Up Feedburner for SEO


Tutorialized is dedicated to programming, designing, and many other
tech related tutorials.

Tips for SEO Friendly Websites
Form follows function. Before designing a website there are quite a few important factors to consider.
Read the tutorial.

What Does Seo Stand For?
What does seo stand for? Simply put SEO stands for search engine optimization.
Read the tutorial.

Submit Your Sitemap to Google
Techniques you can use to submit your sitemap to Google. An imperative step to get good rank!
Read the tutorial.

30 SEO Tips for Web Designers & Small Business Owners
30 SEO Tips in 30 Days to turn your website SEO ready.
Read the tutorial.

Submitting your URL to Search Engines
How to get search engines to crawl your site as often as possible.
Read the tutorial.

How to Make Your Blog Stand Out from the Crowd
Quick tips to improve your blog from every aspects!
Read the tutorial.


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We'll consider your suggestions and ideas for improvement,
so please email us. Email us.


Many people make resolutions this time of year. The members of SEO Chat are no exception, as you'll see from this week's thread. What are some of yours?


Time 4 New Year Resolutions

Hey Guys.

Hope you all had a great Christmas. I know some of you are on vacations. I am going to my home town on the 30th for a week. will drop by but for a short time daily.

Before I go I think it's time to discuss the new year resolutions. Hey don't make faces. Resolutions are good.

I have a fairly simple resolution to follow. I need to learn to say "NO" where ever necessary. It causing a lot of trouble in my life. LOL.

So what you people planning? Don't tell me you want to get a PR6 in 2010. Many people already see us as mystics, some considers us loons as well. (Thanks to the idiot who put NOFOLLOW outside his hotel room)

I want to hear about your new year resolutions. We all want to. So get going.


I will be working hard in some new ventures that will hopefully make future paying client unnecessary!


I am going to do lots of testing with the goal of making more money from current traffic.

Testing... ad format, landing page format, pricing,... lots of testing..

Posts from this thread may have been abridged or removed. Forum members are responsible for the content of these posts.
Read the full thread.


Yes, Virginia, the Big Guys Do SEO

When you get the kind of experienced, knowledgeable and sometimes opinionated people together that the SEO Chat forum attracts, discussions can get a little contentious. But that just adds to the fun, especially when trying to unravel some of the mysteries of the field. Recently, one of our posters wondered why, if SEO is so powerful, the big names â€" the Microsofts, Amazons, Nokias, Facebooks, Googles, etc. â€" didn't seem to do SEO campaigns, or at least didn't seem to need SEO to get to their dominant position. Does this mean that SEO is really weak, especially when compared with, say social media marketing?

You can imagine what kind of response that attracted! It even called into question what, exactly, search engine optimization really is. Respected forum member ClickyB pointed out that “All of the sites you mention have something unique/highly valuable to offer and/or are world leaders in their fields. They all practice SEO of a sort - linkbait.” He went on to say that that kind of branding negates the need for other forms of SEO (because it will result in huge numbers of “free backlinks”).

Another poster pointed out that Amazon targets long tail keywords and gets incoming links through widgets and APIs, while social networks like Facebook are pretty viral. The view seems to be that if you offer a unique and valuable product or service, you don't have to run deliberate SEO campaigns. Or do you? Looked at another way, anything you do to cause people to link to your site is SEO -- in which case, even brand-building that doesn't take place online, such as including your site's URL in a billboard ad, could be thought of as SEO.

Doing SEO for a large company with a big brand name, one poster revealed, can be very different from doing it for a smaller company. The goal is different. This poster said that he works as an SEO for a company with a huge brand name, and “my job isn't to make the website rank for its keywords, [it]is to ensure that all the backend developments that they do adhere to Google's Quality Guidelines and the site has all the basic SEO elements.”

Still, how did the big guys get to this position, and how can you duplicate it? One thoughtful poster gave a list. First, they promoted themselves as authority sites targeting a specific niche (selling books online for Amazon, for example). Then they made sure they were linkable â€" that is, they offered widgets, APIs, or valuable information that cannot be found somewhere else (think Microsoft). They provided a better user experience than their competitors (think Facebook vs. Myspace). They offered incentives to bring in new users and links. And above all, they continued to grow, which makes Google happy.

Hopefully this list will give you some ideas you can use for your web site. Good luck!

Read the relevant forum thread.

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