

[Parent Hacks] 3 new posts in Parent Hacks

Hello, ignoble.experiment@arconati.us, and thank you for subscribing to Parent Hacks. Got a hack you'd like to share? Send it to hacks@parenthacks.com, along with your name and Web address (if you'd like us to link to you).

The Sharpie Sex Change

via www.gluesky.com

It's a tiny hack, but that photo is worth a thousand words. And thank you, Vanessa, not only for pointing it out, but for letting me snag the post title I'm sure you were dying to use yourself.

On Parent Hacks at: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/parenthacks/~3/plYdSyEUh8k/the-sharpie-sex-change.html

Easy DIY sandbox in reach for just about everyone

via www.flickr.com

Jose says: "the whole thing came together for about $150 (lumber, sand) and about an hour of work. our 2 year old son is thrilled." Brilliant. And right when I'm considering building some planter boxes (with NO experience). Check out Jose's photos at Flickr.

On Parent Hacks at: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/parenthacks/~3/ZHnbBwZZ9LQ/easy-diy-sandbox.html

Join me for a live talk with Ellen Galinsky, May 3, 11am EST

Live talk with Ellen Galinsky Update (9:36am PST): The conversation is FANTASTIC. Great questions from participants, and Ellen's answers...well, let's just say I pick my heroes well. I may tape her thoughts about standardized testing on the wall of my office. Come on down...it will be going on all day.

Come join me at The Motherhood on Monday, May 3 starting at 11AM EST -- I'm co-hosting a live talk with Ellen Galinsky, author of the new book Mind In The Making. I fawned over reviewed Ellen's book last week and am thrilled to see that it's getting such big-time exposure.

To participate in the conversation, you'll need to sign up for a free account at The Motherhood (it takes seconds). I'll be co-hosting along with a bunch of fantastic women: Julie Marsh (The Mom Slant), Amy Tiemann (MojoMom), Jo-Lynne Shane (Musings of a Housewife), Miriam Peskowitz (co-author of The Daring Book For Girls), and Emily McKhann and Cooper Munroe, founders of The Motherhood.

The talk goes on throughout the day, and I'll be popping in and out. This is a fantastic opportunity to chat with Ellen, and to ask her your own questions. Hope to see you there!

On Parent Hacks at: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/parenthacks/~3/M4JoDKiOFV4/ellen-galinsky.html

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