First of all...
Right now you should be thinking "I can make
TONS of Dollars in real estate right now".
You see, our clients are doing plenty of deals...
and the majority of our clients are rookies.
Problem is - they need more people (even rookies)
to do deals with in our network to partner with
for profits.
Here's Why That's A Benefit To You...
Look at it this way:
If you and another investor were partnering
on a deal that each earned you 60 grand, that's a
nice pay day.
Now, imagine you've partnered on 3 deals with three
investors, and you're set to earn 60 grand as a
baseline on each deal...Now you stand to
make some SERIOUS money.
And I want you to be doing that with our clients.
As the saying goes, "the more the merrier" and the
more everybody (YOU) make in profits on deals.
So this Wednesday night, I'm hosting a live training
where I will show you how to build your very
own Residual Income Empire from home.
Plus I'll show you rookie investor clients of ours
who are doing this very same thing now...
These are clients you could potentially partner
with on deals you're cooking up right now.
That's not all...
During our 60 minute training call, I'm also
going to do something I've never done.
I'm going to GIVE YOU my complete 6 FIGURE Secrets
Blueprint DVDs, CDs, and System...for F'REE and also
LESS than the price of Shipping and Handling to
all of the attendees.
In fact, it will be only $5.97...where I live, that's less
than the price of a Starbuck's vendi macchiato.
Here's The Catch (and why I'm doing it)
Here's how it will work:
At some point during the 60 minute training,
I'll announce a website link to go to where
you can get this entire blueprint, a $497 value,
for less than S&h
(this is the SAME blueprint my rookie investor clients use
follow to generate Big Pay Days...and you'll be introduced
to a few of them on the call)
The catch is - you'll only have 20 minutes
to grab it for less than the price of Shipping
and Handling.
I'm not sure WHEN I'll open it for 20 minutes,
but it will be sometime during the 60 minute
webinar...and ONLY the attendees on the webinar
will get access to claim their copy.
Now here's WHY I'm doing this For You.
1. There's a lot of hype in the market from
trainers out there...I'm going to PROVE TO YOU
that our clients are doing this NOW.
2. Then, I'm going to GIVE YOU the opportunity to
OWN the same blueprint they do for next to nothing...
so that YOU can follow in their footsteps and not get
swept up in this global, economic depression...
3. You'll get the ability to access them in the
network...and you'll have an entire 30 Day No-Strings-Attached TRIAL.
After that, if you're satisfied with your investor membership
and my twice weekly training content on deal-making that
I'm providing - plus access to these investors in my global
network - then it's only $197 a month.
(Based on the going rates of cell phone packages, that's
a measly price to pay for ongoing access to everything...yet,
when I look at all of the investors struggling these days, I decided
it makes sense to make this affordable so everyone can quickly
participate, profit, and grow).
By the way, you can cancel anytime before that,
and there won't be any hard feelings or sales people
calling or hounding you about it.
That's it.
No smoke and mirrors here.
You'll have 30 days to connect with them, use the
system, get the SAME training, and access to my
company's investment resources to help you get deals done...
to share this with you:
It's simple...
I just want you (and an army of other rookie or
"born again" investors) to bring us great deals
we can all partner on and do together.
That's my vision - a network of great, qualified
investors with great deals, all earning fantastic
And you get to build your own Residual Income Empire
from home...on your own time.
See you on the call
P.S. To summarize - here's what you're getting:
* A 60 minute live training with me on how to build
your Residual Income Empire from home...
* A 20 minute window of opportunity where I'll share
a secret link with you to grab a copy of my entire 6 FIGURE
Secrets blueprint, DVDs, CD and training for less than
the price of a Starbuck's macchiato...
* You'll see PROOF of Deal Making case studies from rookie
investors that ARE using this NOW...
* You'll find out how to (and who to) partner with on deals to
generate some BIG Pay Days...
and finally,
* You'll be able to call up one of my success advisors
LIVE with any questions you have on the webinar...
I'm holding this at 9pm Eastern on Wednesday and our
webinar account can only handle 500 attendees.
So if you register, make sure you're going to make it tomorrow
night at 9pm Eastern for the entire hour...otherwise
you're taking someone else's spot who could make use of
that time to learn the information, grab their copy of
my blueprint, and then earn profits from that same information
and my investor network.
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