

Scientists protest U.K. crime lab shutdown

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Scientists protest U.K. crime lab shutdown

LONDON (UPI) -- The scientist who invented DNA fingerprinting says he's joined 33 others protesting the announced closure of the United Kingdom's Forensic Science Service.

Alec Jeffreys and the other scientists, in a letter to The Times of London, say they oppose the closing of the crime lab, once a government-run agency but now a privatized company owned by the United Kingdom, AAAS ScienceMag.org reported Wednesday.

The FSS maintains labs that aid the British government and local police departments using cutting-edge forensic techniques.

But the FSS has competition from many private firms offering DNA testing and other forensic services, and the U.K. Home Office says the service is costing the government $3 million a month.

The government announced the closure despite the organization's willingness to undertake a "radical restructuring," officials say.

Jeffreys and his colleagues, in their letter, urged the U.K. government to reconsider the decision, or to at least "ensure continuous funding for independent forensic research and development … to secure an impartial system for quality assurance to all providers of forensic services."

Copyright 2010 by United Press International

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Komodo dragons nominated as wonders

JAKARTA (UPI) -- Indonesians are being urged to vote to include the Komodo National Park, the home of the world's biggest lizard, in a new list of world wonders, officials say.

Indonesian Vice President Boediono is urging his country to vote for the park, which has become one of the 28 finalists for the Seven World Wonders, Antara news agency reported Wednesday.

The competition is being conducted by The New7Wonders Foundation, which says the express aim of the campaign is to undertake documentation and conservation of heritage works and sites worldwide.

Indonesia's Culture and Tourism Minister Jero Wacik urged the Indonesian people to give their votes to the park.

"If the Komodo National Park is selected as one of the new Seven Wonders which will be announced in July 2011, it will help promote Indonesia's tourism," he said.

The national park includes the three larger islands of Komodo, Rinca and Padar, as well as numerous smaller ones, covering a total of 232 square miles of land.

There are about 4,000 to 5,000 living Komodo dragons in the park, Antara said.

Copyright 2010 by United Press International

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Russian officials fired over failed launch

MOSCOW (UPI) -- Russia's president has fired two space industry officials and reprimanded the head of its space agency over the recent loss of three satellites, officials said.

Dmitry Medvedev's actions follow the loss of three Glonass satellites when a Proton-M carrier rocket went off course and crashed into the Pacific Ocean, RIA Novosti reported Wednesday.

The rocket used a DM-3 booster designed and manufactured by the Energia space corporation.

Medvedev dismissed Energia's chief rocket designer, Vyacheslav Filin, and Viktor Remishevsky, deputy head of the Roscosmos space agency, and reprimanded Roscosmos head Anatoly Perminov after receiving a report on the launch failure prepared by a state investigation commission.

The report said Energia experts miscalculated how much fuel was needed for the DM-3 booster and put more than a ton of extra fuel aboard.

The excess weight prevented the Proton-M rocket from putting the satellites into their calculated orbit, the report said.

The failed Dec. 5 launch was intended to conclude the formation of Russia's Glonass navigation system, a project similar to the United States' Global Positioning System, RIA Novosti reported.

Copyright 2010 by United Press International

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Study: Canadians in air pollution denial

OTTAWA (UPI) -- The average Canadian is in a state of denial about the impact and threat of air pollution on human health, a federal report says.

A study conducted for Health Canada found most Canadians acknowledge some health risks associated with poor air quality, but are divided on whether it is a serious threat to all unless they personally suffered from an illness such as asthma, Postmedia News reported Tuesday.

"There is a disconnect between recognizing that air pollution affects health in general and accepting that it poses a threat locally, unless that connection has been made directly through personal experience (e.g., a health problem experienced by themselves or a household member, that they have linked to air pollution)," the report said.

"There is also a tendency for people to deny their own vulnerability," the report noted.

"Those who can tell that air pollution is affecting their health are more sensitized to the issue, but may still not be directly connecting air quality information to personal protective actions," it said.

Only about 14 per cent of the population believes that air pollution is a "very serious hazard" to the health of people in their area, the report found.

The report, submitted to the Canadian government last month, was based on telephone interviews in June with 1,405 Canadian adults, with a margin of error of plus or minus 2.6 percentage points.

Copyright 2010 by United Press International

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