

Turkey seized from airline passenger

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Turkey seized from airline passenger

CARDIFF, Wales (UPI) -- Officials at an airport in the Welsh capital said a 10-pound frozen turkey was seized from the carry-on bag of a passenger headed for Spain.

Cardiff Airport officials said the turkey was taken and the man was told perishable foodstuffs are not allowed on international flights without official permission, The Sun reported.

"Finding a turkey in hand luggage is one of the strangest things we've ever come across," an official said.

The man told security officers he wanted to take the frozen bird on his Christmas vacation because it's difficult to find good turkey in Spain.

"Why are you making a fuss -- will it thaw at 30,000 feet?" the man was quoted as saying.

Airport officials said other items recently seized from passengers include a palm tree, a goldfish, a briefcase full of bricks, a chainsaw and a pair of armchairs.

Copyright 2010 by United Press International

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Dog survives six weeks of frigid winter

HAMSTEAD MARSHALL, England (UPI) -- Veterinarians said a dog is lucky to be alive after spending six weeks wandering the countryside in freezing weather conditions.

Animal authorities said Angel the mink hound was first spotted wandering in the town of Axford, England, Nov. 6, and sightings followed from the towns of Ramsbury, Enborne, Speen and Hungerford, the BBC reported.

Newbury Dogs Trust Assistant Manager Jenny Hopkins was finally able to catch Angel with a net Dec. 16.

"She would have probably traveled up to 30 miles a day for six weeks," Hopkins said of the canine's ordeal.

Paula Boyden, deputy veterinary director with Newbury Dogs Trust, said Angel likely survived by foraging for scraps.

"Given the weather conditions that we have experienced over the past few weeks, I am surprised to hear that she survived and was picked up in such good condition," Boyden said.

Copyright 2010 by United Press International

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Airport workers rewarded with 810 pizzas

PHILADELPHIA (UPI) -- The owner of a Pennsylvania pizzeria said his eatery delivered 810 pizzas to US Airways employees in Philadelphia during a three-day period.

Dave Shearn, co-owner of Cornerstone Pizza in Prospect Park, said the first order for 150 pizzas to be delivered to Terminal B of the Philadelphia International Airport came in Tuesday and was followed the next day by orders for 330 more pies, the Philadelphia Enquirer reported.

An additional order for 330 pizzas came into the store Thursday, Shearn said.

A spokesman for US Airways in Philadelphia said the pizzas were a reward for workers who have been putting in long hours amidst blizzard conditions in the U.S. northeast.

"We had a lot of people here for three days," he said. "Our employees are the best, and that's why we're keeping them here and fed -- and happy."

Shearn said each of the large pizzas cost $9 plus extra for toppings.

Copyright 2010 by United Press International

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Bull shot after fleeing slaughter

DANVILLE, Pa. (UPI) -- Authorities in Pennsylvania said a 900-pound bull that escaped on its way to slaughter led them on a 2-mile chase before being shot and killed by its owner.

The animal's owner, Wayne Myers of Bald Top, said he was taking the 2-year-old bull to the butcher when it somehow escaped from its trailer while he was stopped at a red light, The (Danville, Pa.) Daily Item reported.

Mahoning Township police, Danville police and Danville fire police joined Myers in chasing the bull for at least two miles through Montour and Northumberland counties.

Myers eventually shot and killed the bull in Point Township.

"That," Myers said, "was going to be the meat for the rest of the year. Now it will just be hamburger."

Copyright 2010 by United Press International

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