

Borrowing benefits with Carol Look can be life changing - a rare opportunity!


 Note From Pat Carrington


The Startling Effects of Borrowing Benefits


It is still one of the mysterious aspects of EFT and one of the most frequent and powerful ways it can be used.

"Borrowing Benefits" is the name that Gary Craig, Founder of EFT, gave to the process of tapping along with other people as though their issues (and the words they speak) were your own - in effect you tap on their issue to clear your own. 

This interesting tactic can have remarkable results. I remember being in an audience when Gary lead a group of 500 people in borrowing benefits from a volunteer he was working with on stage.  After the demo session Gary asked those in the audience who had experienced pronounced drops in their distress ratings on their own issues (the SUDS ratings) to raise their hands; 90% of those in the audience held their hands up. Borrowing Benefits had had a dramatic effect on those present.

Actually this kind of response after tapping along with another's issues is not at all unusual. As humans, we share many of the same issues, whether we know it or not, and we have an amazing capacity for empathy. Because of this, watching someone else experience their particular challenge, and tapping through it with them, can help you tremendously with your issues, even if yours seem unrelated!

The bottom line is that this kind of shared experience, this, "group work", in a sense, is one of the most powerful and transformative things we can do with EFT.

And one of the most gifted experts at facilitating this kind of group experience is my long time good friend and EFT Master, Carol Look.


                                                 Carol Look, LCSW, EFT Master 


Carol recently led a 3 day event called, "The Tapping Experience".

The whole event was filmed, and it's now available for you to experience while staying right in your home where you can readily borrow benefits from the participants.

I can vouch for Carol's skill, expertise, and passion for this subject. So, if you'd like to take your EFT experience to the next level by tackling a persistent, hitherto unsolved problem in your life - or if you want to improve as an EFT practitioner - or if you would like to share the benefits of EFT with your loved ones, then I highly suggest you check out "The Tapping Experience" today.


From now until this Friday at midnight, in celebration of the product's release, it's available for $100 OFF the regular price - an amazing bargain!

You can learn about this DVD set and how it can help you here:


With all good wishes,


P.S. - Here's what a couple of the participants from the event had to say about attending:

"I have had 2 patches of psoriasis on my legs for over 30 years. I has been there in the same location on my legs.

I was not tapping on my psoriasis. Over these 3 days I have been doing lots of surrogate tapping and also tapping on issues that I discovered I had that are now revealed to me.

My psoriasis is now just a slightly light red coloring. The ugly scales and itching are gone. I healed my psoriasis by focusing on other issues!! Wow - this is so powerful!!

Thank you!"

-Judd Murphy

"This weekend (of the Tapping Experience Event) has been amazing! One of my biggest issues has been that I avoid dealing with my emotional issues by any avoidable means. By listening to the participants, lots of things have come up that were buried so deep I didn't know I needed to work on them. I now have targets to work on. For the 1st time in years, I have hope, and I can't possibly thank you enough."




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