

Gold Should Rally for QE3

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Wednesday August 24, 2011

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Stocks Rally

Durable Goods Beats

Waiting on the Fed

Fellow Investor,

It's always nice to know that stocks can actually rally. And seeing stocks build on their gains throughout the day is a bonus.

Yesterday's rally appears to be a mix of relief and short-covering. For instance, I suspect the move for Citi (NYSE:C) was helped along by shorts saying "enough is enough" and covering their downside positions.

You'll notice that Bank of America (NYSE:BAC) finished in the red, though off its' early lows. Investors are still bearish on banks.

Other stocks, like Microsoft (NYSE:MSFT) seem to have actually attracted investors looking for good entry prices.

It would be a very positive sign if stocks could put in a continuation day and finish in the green today.

Futures were down in the 1% range this morning, but started rising after the Durable Goods number came out...

What this market needs most is better economic data. QE3 and Obama's jobs bill can help, but they are really just band-aids for weak economy.

So, the 4% gain in Durable Goods orders for July is a good start. The number was pushed higher by new airplane orders. But even without transportation, orders were up 0.7%, when a decline of 0.6% was expected

Surprisingly, the extremely negative June Durable Goods number was revised higher. You may recall it was this data point that started the selling in late June. And to see an economic data point revised higher is very rare. These numbers usually get revised lower...
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The One Oil Company Paying Shareholders a 10X Bonus Dividend

Gas prices are nearing all-time highs. While the national average hovers around $3.50, some parts of the U.S. are paying upwards of $4.50 and $4.80 and even $4.99 in some parts of California.

You would think Big Oil would be flush with money. You'd think they would be paying fat dividends.

Sadly, this is not the case. Exxon-Mobil, Chevron, ConocoPhilips, even beleaguered BP are paying only 2 to 4% yields: certainly not sharing the wealth by any stretch of the imagination.

But there's one oil sector company paying an unpublished dividend up to 10 times the published dividend. Wall Street "banksters" have cashed in on this payday for years. Now it's your turn.

Click here for the full story on this oil sector cash cow.


Market Snapshot

US Markets - August 23 Close

Dow Jones




S&P 500





















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