

Have you heard about Privatized TIPs?

Privatized TIPS Now Available to Individual Investors Who Want Protection from the U.S. Dollar
Dear Fellow Investor,

Recently, my editors and I have worked on a special project to help regular investors through this difficult market.

The result is a report on what we call "Privatized TIPs." These specialized vehicles are currently used by the world's richest investors to protect their portfolios (and profit!) during periods of high inflation, market recession and general uncertainty.

I think you'll find this report very informative and helpful - just read the letter below for the full details.

Good investing,

Ian Wyatt
Daily Profit

Ignore Stocks: Buy "Privatized TIPs" NOW to Protect Yourself From Inflation and Recession

A small group of fed up investors are
ignoring regular investments, bonds, commodities
and even Treasury Inflation Protected Securities TIPS -
and are flocking to an alternative in the Private sector.

This is their story...

Dear Investor

Regular investors are in trouble.

Of course, many of them never really had a chance. The whole market seems designed to reward banks, hedge funds and corporations at the expense of the little guy.

After the bailouts, the big-business tax breaks and decades of corporate back-slapping, it's no surprise.

And with Congress incapable or unwilling of making broad, sweeping changes to our spending habits, even holding cash is a losing proposition.

The Treasury. The Fed. The stock exchange itself: they're all killing the average investor.

People already know these facts in their hearts - even if they can't bring themselves to believe it or recognize it.

So what's the answer? How can investors possibly hope to get ahead?

How can you win when the one investment that's supposed to protect you from inflation is a well-known fake?

In the letter below, I'm going to tell you exactly which assets you should own during this ongoing period of impending recession, inflation and currency collapse - and I'll tell you the one and only investment that the world's richest investors own today to protect themselves during these uncertain times...

Not Gold or Silver. Or Even Oil...

When most people think about protecting themselves from market uncertainty - they immediately jump to gold.

And while gold is a fine asset to own through a recession, a currency crisis or even inflation - it's not necessarily lucrative to do so.

That's because gold can only preserve the value of your initial purchase.

Believe me, I own gold. I bought gold just recently, when it sold for over $1,300 an ounce. I have a reasonable chunk of my portfolio in gold.

But you won't get rich owning physical gold.

Don't believe me? Look at this chart of gold's gains over the past 12 years (in red) plotted against two other common commodities: oil (in blue) and copper (in green).

You won't see this chart touted by any gold bugs - that's for sure.

Because gold can't even keep pace with two of the most commonly used commodities during an inflationary period.

Silver hasn't done too much better, either.

So which asset HAS outperformed gold, silver, oil, copper - and every other investment during the past 12 years?

And more importantly, which asset will continue to dominate over the coming decade as inflation continues?

The answer is "Privatized TIPS."

But below I've plotted one "Privatized TIPS" investment - again - starting in 1999. I've plotted it against oil, gold, silver and copper.

Take a look at how it's performed.

So tell me, which asset would you prefer to own? Gold - which keeps pace with inflation?

How about oil, which slightly outpaces inflation?

Or "Privatized TIPS" which absolutely dominate inflation, and leaving oil, gold and everything else in the dust?

Keep in mind, the investment in the chart above is something ANY investor can own right now. But typically, this investment was only purchased by some of the biggest and richest people in the world.

The thing is, even though some people will buy gold, silver and other commodity investments in order to protect their wealth, they'll completely ignore "Privatized TIPS" - which have a long history of dominating inflation - and helping some of the world's richest investors get richer.

Here's how...

Your Safest Bet During Inflation...

Without completely revealing the secret of "Privatized TIPS" I can tell you that they're a form of security - like a stock or a bond or a mutual fund.

But they're not your typical security.

"Privatized TIPS" have nothing to do with the TIPS the Government sells either.

Rather, they're a rare form of security used by the world's richest and most powerful investors to safely and reliably grow their wealth during periods of market uncertainty and high inflation.

If you take a look at the Forbes list of billionaires in 2011, you'll see that nearly everyone on the list is heavily invested in Privatized TIPS.

  • In fact, the richest investor in the world, the Mexican telecom magnate Carlos Slim currently has over 60% of his wealth locked up in just one "Privatized TIPS" investment.
  • Bill Gates - now the second richest man in the world - has been famously selling off his shares in Microsoft (NYSE: MSFT) - and quietly buying just one "Privatized TIPS" which currently comprise over 45% of his portfolio right now.
  • Even hated billionaire George Soros has diversified some of his $14 billion fortune into "Privatized TIPS."
And of course, it's not just wealthy individuals who are flocking to these investments.

The world's largest institutions - here in the United States and all over the world - are some of the biggest investors in "Privatized TIPS."
  • Mutual fund Fidelity currently owns nearly $5 billion worth of one of my favorite "Privatized TIPS."
  • Vanguard owns over $5 billion of this same single investment.
  • And BlackRock, the world's largest Privatized fund currently owns almost $4 billion worth.

You and I are encouraged to buy-and-hold the entire stock market year in and year out. But these famous and wealthy investors do something completely different: they load up on "Privatized TIPS" - and leave the average gains to us average investors.

And they buy these individual investments because they know that in order to outperform the market, and to stay ahead of inflation, you have to own a concentrated mix of these world-leading investments.

If investors like Carlos Slim, Bill Gates and George Soros are loading up on these investments, maybe you and I should pay attention.

And while we're not likely to become as rich as those folks anytime soon, we can still participate in the same gains.

I believe that if you buy "Privatized TIPS" today, you could very easily double your money in the next year. Making 5-10 times your money certainly isn't out of the question.

Because a handful of these "Privatized TIPS" regularly outperform the market by a huge margin.

And as you'll see, owning these investments is likely the only way to completely ensure that you're protected from dollar devaluation.

But I know that most investors will actually AVOID these investments - because they've been told to by the mainstream media and by slick talking investment advisors to buy anything but.

And in this letter, I'm going to tell you how to buy this investment, and let you decide for yourself.

But first... I should answer the one big question on your mind:

What are "Privatized TIPS?"

As I noted before, owning gold only preserves your wealth during inflation - it can't really grow it.

The only real way to grow wealth during inflation is to own an operation that has the ability to prosper and adapt while other businesses flounder.

I'm talking about a super-select group of businesses run by the world's most brilliant people, operating in sectors of the world and economy where their services are vital, highly profitable and actually protected by governments.

I call these businesses "Privatized TIPS" not because they're outside of the control of the government - but rather - because THEY have immense sway over governments themselves.

And with their influence and size, they have the ability to outlive, outlast and out-profit every other institution. Even governments.

Listen, inflation is a terrible blight on the poor and middle classes all around the world. It's a silent tax that robs hardworking people of their honest wages.

It also punishes savers. It undermines the profits of small business people.

And it allows world governments to finance endless wars, amass unsustainable debts, and pay for all kinds of corruption, vice and treachery.

But while inflation creates a perfect storm for the little guy, it helps some of the biggest corporations thrive - in the same way that a controlled burn leaves the healthiest trees standing.

These "big trees" are some of the biggest wealth creating entities in world history. As evidence, the world's richest men typically put the bulk of their wealth into just a handful of these companies.

And just like regular TIPS are supposed to do, these "Privatized TIPS" thrive and grow during inflationary events.

That's why I've put together a special report on these investments called "Investing in Privatized TIPS to Profit From Inflation."

I want to give you this report, today, for free.

In it, you'll discover how to buy these investments so you can immediately start protecting and growing your wealth during the ongoing scourge of inflation and dollar devaluation.

I'll tell you my three favorite "Privatized TIPS" that anyone can buy. In fact, though these investments are usually only for the extremely wealthy, today you can buy them starting today.

If you're interested in learning more, please read on.

The Three Privatized TIPS that EVERYONE Should Own

If you want to profit from inflation, you need to buy "Privatized TIPS" before the dollar completely craters.

In my report "Investing in Privatized TIPS to Profit From Inflation" I've put together three specific "Privatized TIPS" you should own immediately.

I'll send you this report if you're interested - but take a look at these investments to see if they sound right for you first:

"Privatized TIPS" Investment #1:

Warren Buffett started his own "Privatized TIPS" firm in the 1960s.

Since then, this investment has returned several thousand times his initial investment back to him.

Today, my favorite "Privatized TIPs" investment is currently 25,000 times cheaper than Buffett's. But amazingly, most people think it's expensive!

It's a specialized firm with a global reach. They have no serious competition. They've made their business one of the most profitable ventures in world history, and they're showing no signs of slowing down.

Most people, as I said, don't own this investment because they think it's too expensive.

But some of the world's richest firms like T. Rowe Price, Goldman-Sachs and Credit Suisse own this investment.

They know that even when double digit inflation hits, this company will not just survive but thrive - as its smaller, weaker competitors die off.

I believe this investment should be the core of anyone's personal holdings for the foreseeable future. If you buy it today, you'll protect your initial investment and give yourself an excellent chance to realistically double your money over the next year.

But it's not the only investment in this report:

"Privatized TIPS" Investment #2"

While most people concern themselves with the price of gasoline at the pump, another, equally vital fuel is quietly surging in price.

You probably use at least as much of this other fuel as you do gasoline on an energy basis.

In fact, most Americans use this fuel first thing in the morning to wake up. Then they use it to make breakfast. They use more to turn on their cell phones, to power up their computers.

You're using this fuel right now!

I'm talking about coal. And no matter how you slice it, the world needs coal.

It's not just the United States either.

World consumption of coal is slated to rise for the next 20 years at least:

It's a vital fuel and a powerful trend.

Which is why I'm excited to tell you that I've found a "Privatized TIPS" Investment that takes advantage of the strength in the coal market.

No, this investment has nothing to do with electricity generation or producing coal.

But it has everything to do with new coal mining techniques and technology.

Putting your money in this "Privatized TIPS" investment gives you strong protection from inflation - even hyperinflation - because no matter how much we devalue the dollar, we'll still need to mine more coal for electricity.

It's a great way to deleverage yourself out of the dollar, and into an inflation-proof investment for decades to come.

"Privatized TIPS" Investment #3

The third inflation-busting investment in my special report Investing in Privatized TIPS to Profit From Inflation is all about pricing.

When you're in a vital industry that's completely built-out AND you have the ability to raise your prices, then no amount of inflation can really hurt you.

As your competitors and other businesses have trouble paying for basic materials, you can simply raise prices.

That pricing power becomes a huge weapon and defense from inflation - and as other investors realize the power of this investment to keep ahead of inflation, they'll necessarily flock to it.

I can't go into too much detail about "Privatized TIPS Investment #3" without completely giving it away. Suffice to say that you're probably using this investment right now. And you use it every day at home, at work, at play, on vacation, and that you'd cut this expense out of your life only after cutting everything except for food and shelter.

And if you're interested in finding out the name of this firm, I'll gladly tell you how you can get my special report Investing in "Privatized TIPS to Profit From Inflation" in just a minute.

But who am I? And why should you believe me?

I'm Ian Wyatt, Chief Investment Strategist with the highly successful investment advisory service Top Stock Insights. Two years ago, my readers and I were heading out of one of the most uncertain times in stock market history. But unlike most investors, we were making money.

Even before the ultimate lows were reached, my readers were making money. 25% and 10% in February 2009 and another 11% profit in March, when panic gripped investors and everyone else was posting losses. And as the market started to rally, the gains came fast and furious - 26%, 34%, 35%, 37%, 38%, 51%, 63%...

Top Stock Insights readers made money in all of 2009's best and lowest risk sectors, like oil, technology, commodities, emerging markets, gold and biotech.

No doubt, 2010 was more difficult for investors. That's because the stock market had already made the easy move from historic lows. The "low hanging fruit" has been picked. And it's not just in the stock market. The easy gains for home values, banks, car-makers and retailers have also been made.

But here's just a sample of the trends we identified and the gains we made in 2010:

  • Health care reform has driven patients and providers alike into generic drugs like never before. Top Stock Insights subscribers hitched a ride with Teva Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq:TEVA) for a 17% gain...
  • And we played health care even more with Celgene (Nasdaq:CELG) for a nice 33% run...
  • Telecom has rewarded Top Stock Insights readers with a 25% gain on Verizon (NYSE:VZ) plus a solid dividend of over 5% annually.

And yet many of the same questions remain in 2011:

  • Has the economy truly recovered?
  • Will unemployment ever improve?
  • What about the housing market?
  • And perhaps most important of all: how will we be able to protect ourselves from the near-inevitability of inflation?
It's going to be much more challenging to find market-beating profits in 2011...

You'll Get the Profitable Answers for the Toughest Questions with Top Stock Insights. And you can start with "Investing in Privatized TIPS to Profit From Inflation."

As the Chief Investment Strategist for the top-rated advisory service Top Stock Insights, my subscribers are used to the reliable profits that result from my insightful analysis.

And 2011's been good to subscribers so far too:
  • We just closed out a 33% gain in Coinstar (Nasdaq: CSTR)
  • And a 27% gain on Toyota Motors (NYSE: TM). 
  • An 82% gain in silver company Hecla Mining (NYSE: HL)

We're already getting positioned for market-beating profits from the world's top-performing companies.

And right now I'm excited to tell you all about my three favorite investment opportunities.

I'll give you the "Investing in Privatized TIPS to Profit From Inflation" report to keep as soon as you sign up for a "test drive" of Top Stock Insights -- and I encourage you to sign up today to get the most from these investment reports.

Or read on to discover more about the valuable bonuses and benefits to being a Top Stock Insights new subscriber...

Privatized TIPS and a
World Class Portfolio

Things are changing fast in the stock market. Investors may not know where to turn for profitable investments, but this is no time to bury your head and the sand and wait for the crisis to pass.

All that for just $199. And if you act now, you'll have 60 days to evaluate the service risk-free. Don't like it? Just call or email during your first 60 days and get an immediate full refund with no hassle and no headache.

Get the report, plus the 60 day full refund period, plus all the bonus reports, and the regular issues, and the real-time buy and sell notices, and live customer service for just $199.
  • 52 weekly issues of my Top Stock Insights newsletter, featuring at least two top mid and large cap recommendations each month.
  • A subscription to Top Stock Insights also gives you immediate access to all of our high quality independent investment research.
  • Full, unfettered access to the Top Stock Insights website, including the stock portfolio and issue archive.
  • Free research from our library of Special Reports.
  • Timely action alert buy and sell notices delivered right to your inbox.
  • A live customer service expert named Aimee (she works upstairs from me and is very helpful).
  • Plus a 100% money back guarantee if you're not completely satisfied in the first 60 days of your trial subscription.

And I can tell you, with inflation starting to pop up everywhere, it won't be long before we're forced to raise the price on Top Stock Insights. So act now if you want to lock yourself in at the lower rate immediately.

Here's the link so you can start profiting with Top Stock Insights today!

Good investing,

Ian Wyatt
Top Stock Insights

P.S. If you're concerned about inflation - I don't blame you. I am too. And as I said, I do own gold. But to truly profit from inflation, you need a specialized investment that's designed to thrive during any level of currency devaluation.

Take a look at my report on "Privatized TIPS" and I know you'll be prepared to weather the coming inflation - no ifs ands or buts.

Click here to get started.

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Ian Wyatt's $100k Portfolio
c/o Wyatt Investment Research
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