

LinkedIn Rolls out New iPhone, Android, HTML5 Mobile Apps - HTML5 Report

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A new smartphone, BlackBerry Bold 9930, powered by the new BlackBerry 7 operating system, is now available online for Verizon Wireless customers and will be available at Verizon's stores on August 25, 2011.
To attract more users to its business social network, LinkedIn continues to improve its services. Recently, the professional social network added a news service called LinkedIn Today to keep track of business-related topics. Now, Forbes.com reports that LinkedIn is rolling out new iPhone, Android and HTML5 mobile applications to keep the momentum going.
VentureBeat reports that cloud storage provider Box.net has launched a web-based HTML5 version of its mobile application, which brings the company's tools to any mobile device running an HTML5-powered mobile web browser. Currently, according to Box.net, some 6 million users and 60,000 businesses employ its cloud-storage software, including 73 percent of Fortune 500 companies. The cloud storage provider said that the number is up from around 66 percent in February this year.

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