

Babies, Win an Ipad2, Wreathes and More

Catholic Family Gifts


Bringing the Faith Home 


Baptism GiftsFirst Communion GiftsConfirmation GiftsSaint Medals

A Baby, a Box, a Wreath and an Ipad2

A Few Fun Things to Look at This Month


Saturday, I amazed my daughter when I held, talked to, rocked and burped a four week old baby. As the father of six, I am not sure what she thought I was doing when she was little.


Since all my children are now past baby-hood, one of the  things I like about our brick & mortar store is that I get to see new babies when they come in with their parents and grandparents. That experience is hard to translate to a web store, but I have an idea about that.. Check out "Show off the Baby and Win" later in this update.


Recently we added a wonderful line of Baptism Music Boxes to the baptism gift section of the website. If you will be attending a Baptism in the near future these are a good gift option.

Rooted in the patterns of everyday life, expressions of faith happen in simple ways. Mealtime prayer, bedtime prayer, attending Mass as a family, and other faith based family traditions are what nurture the life of faith. With fall here already, and the weather getting cooler,  I want to remind you of a great family tradition, the tradition of the advent wreath. It is hard to believe but advent is only 5 weeks away.  Let us know if you need anything for the season.


Oh yes, the Ipad2. Want to win one? There is a good chance you can! Let your school know about our Christmas Gift Fundraising Program. It is a quick, simple 100% profit fundraiser. Pass on the details shown below to your school or parish fundraising chairperson.
From our family to yours, God Bless.

Chris Weickert

What's Inside

Special Offers


10% OFF

Your Entire Purchase

Enter coupon Code:


At Checkout and save 10% of your entire order

Expires 10/31/11


$5 OFF

With Coupons

From the

Christmas Gift Fundraising Program

See Details below

Expires 12/31/11

Show off the Baby! and Win!

Facebook Feature


When customers come into our store, Elaine and I love meeting their children and of course the babies!


The bummer is we don't get to meet the babies of our online customers, I have an idea on how to fix that. 


Visit our Facebook page and post a picture of your favorite baby. All entries posted by November 20th will be entered into a drawing for a $50 gift certificate.


Your favorite baby picture can be of a baby who is grown up now. That’s right. You can call up mom and get her to enter you. Forward this contest to your family and friends.

See Official Rules on Our Facebook Page



What's New - Baptism Music Boxes

Awesome Baptism Gift Item


We spend a lot of time looking for good baptism gifts and items for children to feature in the store and online store. A recent favorite of mine is the new assortment of Baptism Music boxes.


If you have a Baptism on the horizon, I think you will want to check these out. They make a great keepsake gifts. Featuring quality construction and music workings, these music boxes and come in four different styles. We have styles suitable for both boys and girls. They offer different choices of messages that can be updated with photos of the child over time.




Christmas Gift School Fundraising Program

100% Profit for Your School or Parish.

This year marks the 1/2 way point for our children at Boylan Catholic High School. Eight years done, eight more to go. We understand the needs of Catholic Schools. This coming Advent/Christmas season we are sponsoring a Christmas Gift Fundraiser where 100% of sales stay with the local group and there is no product to deliver.


Here is a quick outline of the process:

  • Your group sells $5.00 coupons for $5.00 each. Coupons can be used at 5 different online stores this Advent/Christmas Season.
  • The coupon purchaser completes an entry to win one of the special bonus prizes (including an Ipad2).
  • Your Group keeps the $5.00 from the purchase (A 100% Profit) and returns the entry for prizes for their purchaser. 
  • The Coupon purchaser can use coupon on any of five site from Oct 1 - Dec 31, 2011
  • Bonus prize drawing on December 12th.

Bonus Prizes are:

  • An Ipad2 loaded with the best Catholic Aps
  • An 11 piece Fonatanini Nativity set
  • A $200 gift card basket (gas, food and gift related cards)

For complete rules and forms to register your group visit our fundraising page


Early Advent

Ready or not here it comes.

Fall is solidly in place, and Advent is just around the corner. That means it is time to find the Advent wreath, the Advent calendar, and check to see if there are any candles for the wreath.


The tradition of the Advent wreath gives a physical form to the expectant anticipation of the faithful as we wait for the birth of Jesus. Week by week, each new candle illuminates our home more and more, reminding us that Jesus "the light of the world" is coming. If you or a family you know, needs an Advent wreath, please visit our store. We have Advent Wreaths, Advent Calendars and replacement candles to meet your need.



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EC Weickert Inc. | Catholic Family Gifts 1638 N Alpine Rd | Rockford, IL 61107

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