

[Crime Scene] What does Becky Pace know about that pregnancy test?

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Greetings ,

Becky Pace,
victim's sister

This past week, Detective Armstrong and I talked to Becky Pace again and asked her about some things y'all have been curious about. Among other things, we asked her about the pregnancy test box that we found in her sister's home with her fingerprint on it. She denied that the test was hers and claimed she had disposed of it for someone else.

Becky Pace: [The person] was worried she might be pregnant, so she took the test. And then she was worried that [someone] would find the box, so she gave it to me so I could get rid of it.

We also asked her if Kimberly had ever mentioned any of her students, and she said,

Becky Pace: Yes! That kid that wrote the article. She was pissed as hell at him. She said she was going to make him pay big time.

Detective Armstrong: How so?

Becky Pace: She didn't say, only that he was going to be sorry.

For this update, we also spoke to the dog sitter's ex-boyfriend about the weekend Kimberly's dog Emerson died. Plus, you have some more excerpts from Kimberly's journal and some replies to the emails she sent.

On Thursday, we'll have a follow-up interview with Cheryl Weston, some information about Kimberly's email correspondents, and more.

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Det. Murphy

Kimberly Pace Investigation

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