

Don't forget about Thurs: SaaS-Based Clientless Remote Support

Good morning Colleague,

I wanted to personally invite you to an upcoming webinar on Thursday November 3rd at 2pm ET called: SaaS-Based Clientless Remote Support: A New Advantage for Managed Service Providers.

Elaina Stergiades from IDC will be a featured guest on this LogMeIn-hosted webinar on the advantages that SaaS offers in the Enterprise. Elaina will talk about why clientless remote support is a critical part of today's support tool-set. She'll also discuss how SaaS is alleviating the pain of high acquisition costs, frequent upgrades, and low technology adoption. To support this discussion, Elaina will share highlights from a new IDC review of how SaaS-based remote support tools provide a new advantage for Managed Service Providers.

Register now. Hope you can join and feel free to pass this along!

See you there,

Charles Weaver
CEO and Co-Founder, MSPAlliance

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SaaS-Based Clientless Remote Support:
A New Advantage for Managed Service Providers

Thursday November 3, 2011 TIME: 2:00pm ET/ 11:00am PT

For Managed Service Providers, differentiation of services continues to be the strategic necessity, particularly as mobility and competition continue to breed change. Faced with a variety of challenges, including the expanding mobility of client workforces, increasingly complex support environments, and the commoditization of standard support services, Managed Service Providers need a silver bullet.

Elaina Stergiades from IDC will be a featured guest on this LogMeIn-hosted webinar on the advantages that SaaS offers in the Enterprise. Elaina will talk about why clientless remote support is a critical part of today's support tool-set. She'll also discuss how SaaS is alleviating the pain of high acquisition costs, frequent upgrades, and low technology adoption. To support this discussion, Elaina will share highlights from a new IDC review of how SaaS-based remote support tools provide a new advantage for Managed Service Providers.

Elaina Stergiades
Research Manager, Software and Hardware Support Services, IDC

Elaina Stergiades is the Research Manager for IDC's Software Support Services program. In this position, she provides insight and analysis of industry trends and market strategies for software vendors supporting applications, development environment and systems software. Elaina is also responsible for research, writing and program development of the software support services market.

Eric Bisceglia
Product Marketing Manager LogMeIn

Eric Bisceglia is responsible for LogMeIn Rescue's enterprise business. Prior to joining LogMeIn, he managed go-to-market activities for EMC Corporation's Storage Division. Eric holds a B.A. in International Business and Economics from Boston University.

Charles Weaver
CEO and Co-Founder MSPAlliance

Charles Weaver is the CEO and co-founder of the MSPAlliance (the International Association of Managed Service Providers). Since its founding in 2000, the organization has grown from less than 5 founding members to well over 14,000 members worldwide. Under Mr. Weaver's management the MSPAlliance has expanded its reach and influence to include education, standards of conduct, and certifications for managed services professionals and companies.



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