

The History of Islamic Political Thought -- New Book

Columbia University Press

The Revised Edition of a Major Study of Islamic Political Thought 

The Nation and Nationalism in Europe The History of Islamic Political Thought
From the Prophet to the Present, Second Edition

Antony Black

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Antony Black describes and interprets all schools of Islamic political thought, their origins, inter-connections and meaning. It examines the Qur'an, the early Caliphate, classical Islamic philosophy, and the political culture of the Ottoman and other empires. Major thinkers such as Averroes (Ibn Rushd) and Ibn Taymiyya are covered as well as numerous lesser authors, and Ibn Khaldun is presented as one of the most original political theorists ever. Black draws on a wide range of sources including writings on religion, law, philosophy and statecraft expressed in treatises, handbooks and political rhetoric.


The new edition analyzes the connections between religion and politics, covering the most recent developments in Islamic political thought and the current historical scholarship. Black ends with a critical survey of reformism (or modernism) and Islamism (or fundamentalism) from the late nineteenth century up to the present day as well as looking at Islam in the West



$40.00 $32.00 (with discount code CUP20)  paper  416 pages

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