

[Mind Control 101] The PsychoPathology of Success

Mind Control 101 Newsletter
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Dear Indiana -

Here an interesting concept, if you want to be REALLY successful
you have to be REALLY single minded in your motivation.

That makes sense doesn't it?

One of the CDs of the Delta Success Program explains about how
to develop that INTENSE single minded focus to get what you want.

The CD is called "The PsychoPathology of Success" and it explains
how to create a HEALTHY obsession to accomplish your goals.

As the creator of the CD series I'm going to offer
it at a 50% discount through a special web page. Here it is:


.... and "The PsychoPathology of Success" is only ONE of SIX
incredible CDs.

Yes, take a moment and check it out.



Dantalion Jones

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