



Parallax Looks Mind Blowing-With Portals

Posted: 29 Oct 2011 11:47 PM PDT

(YouTube Link)

With a monochrome color palette and mind bending portal physics, the indie game Parallax is set to blow away gamers when it comes out early 2012.

And, as amazing as this game looks, it was developed by only 2 people, Zi Ye and Jesse Burstyn, and is slated to be completed in less than one year! Check out the trailer and see if your brain can handle the world of Parallax.

–via Ars Technica

Awesome Hand Drawn Animation Video

Posted: 29 Oct 2011 11:39 PM PDT

(Vimeo Link)
This animated music video by Kijek/Adamski is really cool to watch, even if it makes you feel a bit seasick at times. The song “Pirate’s Life” by We Cut Corners is pretty sweet too, but what’s even cooler about this video is that the entire thing was hand drawn on paper with markers!

Link –via Booooooom

A Photographer's Unique View Of Paris

Posted: 29 Oct 2011 11:30 PM PDT

Photographers have taken pictures of Paris in every way imaginable, but photographer Philipp Klinger aims to show us all just how symmetrical and full of patterns the City of Light really is, if you see the city through his viewfinder.

There’s an optically pleasing gallery of images to be seen at the DesignTAXI link below, try to keep your eyeballs in your head!

Link –via DesignTAXI

Tim Biskup's Polygonal Painting Series

Posted: 29 Oct 2011 11:23 PM PDT

Tim Biskup is no stranger to the strange, so it’s fitting that his new series of paintings should feature polygonal heads of some rather strange creatures.

They look like simple 3d models juxtaposed into a Pop Art painting, with a swanky color palette to match. Their unusual, kooky, and their eyes are all over the place! Follow the link and check out this polygonal menagerie for yourself.

LinkTim Biskup

MODOK Tells Strange Tales For Halloween

Posted: 29 Oct 2011 10:59 PM PDT

(YouTube Link)

Here is an animated short that is sure to delight, or fill you with fright! Watch as Marvel Comics’ M.O.D.O.K., dressed as Elvira, Mistress of the Dark tells “Strange Halloween Tales Of Suspense To Astonish!”

–via ComicsAlliance

Zombie Like Button

Posted: 29 Oct 2011 08:21 PM PDT

See something you like on the NeatoShop's Zombie Shop? I imagine a zombie fan would "like" our gory products such as the Zombie Door Stop, My Zombie Family Car Stickers and Zombie Back Scratcher with this dismembered thumbs up hand, and post 'em on Zombiebook!

Actually, that's a clever bit of gory advertising by DraftFCB in Lisbon, Portugal for the Fantasporto International Horror Film Festival. Via AdFreak

Water Punch

Posted: 29 Oct 2011 07:49 PM PDT

Would you like to take a picutre like this one? Evan Sharboneau, also known as the “Photo Extremist”, has a short video tutorial showing how to take high speed photos. The process doesn’t appear to be beyond the reach of a serious amateur.

Link -via My Modern Met

Lego Brick Luggage Tag

Posted: 29 Oct 2011 06:30 PM PDT

Lego Brick Luggage Tag – $4.95

Do you have holiday travel plans? Are you in need of some new luggage tags for your trip? Why settle for boring luggage tags when you can have a LEGO Brick Luggage Tag from the NeatoShop. This great luggage tag, shaped like a LEGO brick, comes in the following colors:

  • Black
  • Blue
  • Pink
  • Red
  • And Yellow

Be sure to check out the NeatoShop for more fantastic LEGO items.


What's That Mysterious Spot on Uranus?

Posted: 29 Oct 2011 06:20 PM PDT

All right, stop laughing.

In all seriousness, there is a mysterious spot on the gas giant. No, really. Discover Magazine explains:

Uranus, like the other giant planets in the solar system (Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune), is made up almost entirely of gas, although it differs in composition to Jupiter and Saturn -- it has higher quantities of water, methane and ammonia ices. Unlike conventional ice, it's a super dense liquid. Uranus, like Neptune, is often referred to as an "ice giant." [...]

An image taken by planetary scientist Larry Sromovsky, with the Gemini 8.1 meter telescope shows a bright patch that is thought to be an eruption of methane ice high in the atmosphere. [...]

Understanding the nature of this spot is important, Hammel explained to Discovery News.

"The reason we care about the clouds on the planet Uranus is that they seem to be seasonally driven," said Hammel. "Uranus spins tipped over on its side, giving rise to extreme changes in sunlight as its seasons progress.

"The changes are therefore much more dramatic than for other planets. Uranus thus gives us unique insight into the energy balance in a planetary atmosphere."

Link - via Holy Kaw!

The Momentus Project: Illustrations of Defining Moments in U.S. History

Posted: 29 Oct 2011 04:19 PM PDT

The Momentus Project is a collaborative art project created and curated by Evan Stremke, where artists visualize the most defining moments in the United States History.

This one above by Chris DeLorenzo depicts The Boston Massacre:

Seen as one of a handful of tipping points in the tumultuous relationship between the colonists and the British, the incident known as the Boston Massacre initially started out as a shouting contest between Boston colonists and British sentries who were sent to Boston to enforce the Townshend Acts passed by British Parliament a few years prior. The episode quickly escalated after colonists began throwing rocks and snowballs at British Private Hugh White and his fellow men. With more civilians joining the fight, the British soldiers opened fire, killing five men including Crispus Attucks who became known as the first martyr of the American Revolution.

I had to look up the reference for Branding the Thumb M for Murder.

Check out the entire work: Link - via Super Punch and Laughing Squid

Sonic Screwdrivers Have No Place in Action Movies

Posted: 29 Oct 2011 04:09 PM PDT

(Video Link)

The Doctor’s sonic screwdriver is the ultimate multitool. It can do anything! In fact, it can do too much. If it were available for action movie heroes, the sonic screwdriver would make everything too easy. Content warning: violence.

-via The Uniblog

Be sure to check out our selection of sonic screwdrivers from the NeatoShop!

Woman Fined for Having Car Parked in the Same Spot since 208 AD

Posted: 29 Oct 2011 03:58 PM PDT

A woman in Sicily faced a massive fine for illegal parking when a police officer accidentally noted the year 208 instead of 2008:

Police in Sicily issued a whopping 32,000 euros ($44,500) fine for an illegally parked car after totting up 2,000 years of interest by mistake, Italy’s Repubblica newspaper said Wednesday.

The interest due was calculated from the year 208 A.D. after a policeman dated the fine back to the year 208 instead of 2008.

The lady called in a favor from the Emperor (pictured) and had the fine waived.

Link -via The Agitator | Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Ove 30 Pop Culture Pumpkins

Posted: 29 Oct 2011 03:13 PM PDT

Depending on how you feel about pop music, this could be the cutest or scariest pumpkin ever carved. Check out more pop culture pumpkin carvings over on the Huffington Post.


Gecko Saves Friend From Snake

Posted: 29 Oct 2011 03:09 PM PDT

(Video Link)

Lizards aren’t particularly well known for their powers of friendship, but if I was a gecko, I’d certainly want to hang out with this guy, who is willing to risk his own life to save his friend.

Via Geekosystem

Awesome Zombie Tattoos

Posted: 29 Oct 2011 03:06 PM PDT

Even if you think the idea of a zombie tattoo is kind of silly, you can still appreciate the awesome artwork in many of these great pieces that range from old school to incredibly realistic.


The Tortoise Express

Posted: 29 Oct 2011 03:04 PM PDT

(Video Link)

It might not be the fastest method of transportation, but it is certainly luxurious.

Via BuzzFeed

18 Peices of Bill Murray-Inspired Art

Posted: 29 Oct 2011 03:01 PM PDT

BuzzFeed has a great collection of Bill Murray fan art right now, including this brilliant travel poster for Punxutawney, PA. If you like his movies, you’ll love this gallery.


Bubble inside a Bubble High Speed Photography by Heinz Maier

Posted: 29 Oct 2011 02:18 PM PDT

Photo: Cymaii/Flickr

We've seen a few high-speed photography of water drops before on Neatorama, but this one by German photographer Heinz Maier has got us stumped: how in the world did he get a bubble inside of a bubble, with end caps no less?

Colossal has more pics: Link | Don't miss more of Heinz's work on Flickr

Big Trouble in Little China

Posted: 29 Oct 2011 01:47 PM PDT

(YouTube link)

Remember the 1986 film Big Trouble in Little China? Kurt Russell spent the entire movie without a clue. He is just plain confused. They obviously didn’t let him read the script. -via The Daily What

Steampunk Computer Workstation and Toilet

Posted: 29 Oct 2011 12:17 PM PDT

I've found the secret to John Farrier's blogging prowess: it's all in where he writes his Neatorama blog posts.

Actually, no. John's still Master of the Blogosphere but the Steampunk workstation above, called the Steampunk Time Machine Antique Master Bathroom Computer Workstation, is designed by Bruce Rosenbaum and Walter Parker.

Hugh Hart of Wired's Underwire blog has more pics of steampunk neatness: Link 

See also: 3D Steampunk Robot Magnets over at the NeatoShop

Han Solo With Carbonite Carrying Case Star Wars Mimobot

Posted: 29 Oct 2011 08:01 AM PDT

Han Solo With Carbonite Carrying Case Star Wars Mimobot (4G) - $41.95

In a NeatoShop not so far away there is a fantastic new Han Solo With Carbonite Carrying Case Star Wars Mimobot (4G). This great little flash drive comes preloaded with Star Wars wallpapers, icons and digital extras. With this handsome little flash drive the force will always be with you.

Be sure to check out the NeatoShop for more Star Wars items and fun Computer Gadgets!


This Week at Neatorama

Posted: 29 Oct 2011 06:00 AM PDT

Boy, October flew by in a hurry, didn’t it? Halloween is Monday, and then we get into November and what we call “the holiday season.” Daylight Saving Time ends next weekend, then Veteran’s Day and Thanksgiving aren’t far behind. While you’re enjoying Halloween parties and horror films this weekend, take some time to catch up on all the wonderful things that have been going on here at Neatorama!

Jill Harness contributed to your Halloween experience with a scary post called 5 Horrific Urban Legends That Have Some Truth Behind Them.

From Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader, The Lost Masterpiece is about the better, Spanish version of the 1931 film Dracula. The post includes the movie, too!

We got a sneak peek at The Physics Book by Clifford A. Pickover, now available at a bookstore near you.

The Annals of Improbable Research gave us The Effect of Television on Sexual Behavior.

The Grand Wizards of Elementary School came to us from mental_floss magazine.

Adrienne Crezo invited your opinions on several posts: schools that don’t use computers, banks that charge for deposits, and robots that eat insects. The posts that drew the most comments were about asking strangers about their jobs and ethnic Halloween costumes (plus the meme they spawned).

NeatoBambino has some Halloween posts on costumes for babies and children and even mothers.

We had a real puzzler for this week’s What Is It? game. No one guessed the correct answer! According to the What Is It? Blog, this is a raisin seeder. How effective it was in real use, I do not know. Most raisins these days are made from seedless grapes. As for the funniest answer, Thomas said this is a pair of salad tongs designed by M.C. Escher for his 'Relativity' salad. If you noticed the odd way the ends of this thing would match up, you'd think that, too! So Thomas wins a t-shirt from the NeatoShop.

You are also invited to check out past articles on all kinds of subjects at The Best of Neatorama. Join in the discussions at our Facebook page. And be sure to follow Neatorama on Twitter!

The Most Excellent Halloween

Posted: 29 Oct 2011 05:37 AM PDT

How do you make costumes designed around a 20-year-old movie work? You get all of your friends involved! The gang at Intense Individuals did just that last year, and dressed as almost the entire cast of Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure. See more pictures at their site. Link -via Buzzfeed

Suspect Uses Forklift for Getaway

Posted: 29 Oct 2011 05:33 AM PDT

Sean Faulkner of Ross Township, Pennsylvania was arrested for a bizarre theft that “seemed like a good idea at the time.” Faulkner was apparently tired of carrying a case of beer, so he took a forklift from a construction site. He drove about a mile to a sandwich shop, where he ordered a Reuben, but fled before paying for it.

"He said he was gonna go eat it in the corner and he ended up running out the front door, down the parking lot with the sandwich," said Kelly Donatelli, who served him. "Just very bizarre. It was weird."

That's when he tried to make his getaway in a forklift. Ross Township police caught him.

"Apparently he was tired of walking and he saw the forklift with the keys in it and seemed like a good idea at the time," Detective Brian Kohlhepp said.

Faulkner faces theft charges for both the sandwich (a misdemeanor) and the forklift (a felony). Link -via Breakfast Links

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