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Thrillist Portland
Monday October 3, 2011

Michael Paulus' Cartoon Skeletons
Hang the remains of Fred Flintstone on your wall
While exploring the forbidding shores of pop culture's cartoon hinterlands, artist/ adventurer Michael Paulus stumbled upon what appears to be a burial ground filled with eerily familiar skeletal remains, the details of which he's documented with an anthropologist's eye in a series of Naturalist-style scientific drawings, all available as digital prints or on wall-mountable finished plywood. Also, very little of that was true and these things are just hilarious and awesome. The specimens:

"Charlie": A quite-likely deformed Homosapien, the round, oversized cranium of this specimen denotes that it may have spent most of its time pondering unfunny existential dilemmas, while its short legs and large feet show that it was likely never able to kick what we now know as a "football".

"Tweety": This monstrous bird-like creature likely had tremendous difficulty flying, considering its enormous skull and large calcified talons, which, when paired with a tiny beak unable to produce warning calls or H's and S's, made it easy prey for both putty tat's and extra-large-t-shirt companies.

"Hello Kitty": Thomas Hobbes suggested the natural life of man was "nasty, brutish, and short". The same could be said of this horrid compact creature, which somehow managed to thrive despite lacking opposable thumbs and a lower jaw, pointing to the fact it likely evolved in the cramped, oppressively dark confines of Japanese schoolgirls' backpacks.

While the artist has given science a gift with these impeccable drawings, he also acts as an optometry hobbyist to create backlit eye charts, including one with the diminishingly lettered phrase "Holy Cow", though anthropologists have determined there's absolutely nothing natural about not eating cheeseburgers.

Check out all 22 cartoon skeletons at MichaelPaulus.com and enjoy a cultured Halloweenish treat by buying one for yourself from his online shop

-----------------Morning Quickie------------------
^ High Comedy - Now's your chance to see Doug Benson live at Helium and laugh like you've been burning incense to cover a certain odor.


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