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Feeding America

Dear Supporter,

fy12 holiday donate double

On Tuesday, our President and CEO Vicki Escarra asked if you could step up to help provide much-needed meals to families facing hunger.

Donations like yours are important to people who rely on Feeding America network members to help feed themselves and their families when they are having trouble making ends meet. Thanks to support from people like you, Feeding America and our network of member food banks were able to supply food to 37 million people last year, and we need your help to continue this important work.

Don't forget: during this final week of December, our corporate sponsor Cargill has generously offered to double your donation. Typically every $1 you donate helps provide 8 meals for families in need. But with this special match, every dollar you donate goes twice as far — $1=16 meals!

Donate today. Step up to the challenge to help feed families in need and have your gift matched.

Thank you.

Elizabeth Nielsen
Online Community Manager
Feeding America

©2011 Feeding America | 35 E. Wacker Drive, Suite 2000 | Chicago, IL 60601
You are receiving this at: ignoble.experiment@arconati.us
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Questions? If you have questions about this message or any other Feeding America issue,
please contact us or call 1-800-910-5524

Feeding America is a 501(c)(3) non-profit recognized by the IRS


Feeding America National Office
35 East Wacker Drive | Suite 2000
Chicago, IL 60601

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