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GE Sweet Corn is untested and unlabeled.
And unless Walmart rejects it, it's coming to a store near you!

Keep GE Sweet Corn off the shelves!

Here are 3 easy ways to help:

1. Sign the petition!

2. Call Walmart at 877-796-1950!

3. Follow the Walsanto love story

February 14, 2012

Dear Indiana,

Our activists are a-buzz about Monsanto's new genetically engineered sweet corn. That's not surprising since it's the company's first GE crop that's made to be eaten directly by people, and if it reaches grocery stores, it won't be labeled — so even if you don't want to buy it, you can't avoid it.

That's why we're asking Walmart to promise not to sell GE sweet corn. Why Walmart? They're the biggest food retailer in the U.S. No other chain has their purchasing power. If they join Trader Joe's, Whole Foods and General Mills in rejecting GE sweet corn, farmers aren't likely to plant it.

We need to make sure that Walmart hears from as many people as possible. Do you have 60 seconds to help right now? There are 3 easy things you can do:

1. Sign the petition telling Walmart to reject GE sweet corn.

2. Call Walmart customer service at 877-796-1950 — their staff have been very responsive to activists who have called.

3. For a little fun, check out the unfolding love story between Walmart and Monsanto on our favorite new gossip site, Walsanto Watch! Then, if you're on Facebook, "like" the Facebook page and share it with your friends.

Thanks for taking action,

Jo Miles
Online Organizer
Food & Water Watch

Visit us online
Food & Water Watch is a nonprofit consumer organization that works to ensure clean water and safe food. We challenge the corporate control and abuse of our food and water resources by empowering people to take action and by transforming the public consciousness about what we eat and drink.
Food & Water Watch, 1616 P Street, NW Suite 300 Washington, DC 20036 • (202) 683-2500

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