

ATX: Taking The Pain Out Of Doctor Appointments

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Thrillist Austin
Monday March 19, 2012

You might still dread your appointment, but you won't have to wait for it
Sick, tired, and possibly dying of inconvenient medical services? Give ZocDoc a shot. Just launching in Austin, the company -- which everyone calls an OpenTable for MDs, because really that's the best way to describe it, so why strive for something more original but less accurate? -- claims to drastically reduce typical up-to-three-week wait times to less than three days, and often (40% of the time) within 24hrs of your first frantic call.

Except you don't even have to call, because it's all done over the internet. Just plug in your address and provider, and they'll search a database of more than 30000 ATX appointments, then hand you back a geo-targeted list complete with doctor bios that are hopefully shorter than South African cardiac surgeon Christiaan Barnard's 465pp One Life.

You'll also be able to check out real-time schedules for the various GP's, dermatologists, ophthalmologists, and OB/GYNs -- so assuming he doesn't win the presidency, and that you have a womb, and he doesn't exercise his God-given right to refuse treatment based on your past as a slutty carjacker, Ron Paul will see you soon.

Zoc also offers i- and Android apps, and thoughtful day-of reminder texts, just in case you're so tired you forgot that you were sick, or possibly dead.

Even if you're just dying of curiosity, click here to check out their operation

-----------------Morning Quickie------------------
^ Honk TX - This weekend twenty community street bands from across the nation overtake Austin.


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