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Hacked Jaminator Band

Revolution-J features several circa 1992 Yamaha Jaminators that have been hacked with Arduinos and connected to Max/MSP patches. See the making of video. [via IDEO]


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Makers and Hardware Hackers at PyCon 2012

My colleague Julie Steele wrote in to let me know about all sorts of cool Maker talks at PyCon 2012. You can check them out yourself with these video links:

You can find lots more PyCon video at pyvideo.org


Ambient Bus Arrival Monitor

Check out John Graham-Cumming’s ambient bus arrival monitor that he built out of a hacked Linksys wireless router that pulls data from London’s Countdown service and lets him know how long he has to wait until the next one.

Underlying this is a simple JSON API that, while not public, seems to be usable by the average programmer as long as I’m not abusive. So with its details deciphered (hardly hard since the web site uses the API) I set about building an ambient bus monitor into a model London bus. The idea is that I can glance at the bus and see the times of up to the next two buses that I’m likely to want to catch and know when to leave the house.

JGC, of course, wrote the amazing Geek Atlas and has been dabbling in all sorts of cool projects.


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