

It's Happening Again

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It's Happening Again
By Brian Hicks | Tuesday, April 3rd, 2012

Brian HicksA little-known options play has just tripped Ian Cooper's "R-4 Trigger"...

Which means, approximately 27 days from now, you'll have the opportunity to cash in for gains that could earn you $680 for every $1,000 you put in.

Even better, according to our past, proven results, you'll have the chance to do this about once per week going forward.

That works out to more than $30,000 — a second salary for some people — over the course of the next year...

And that's if you decide to start out with just a grand.

How can I be so sure?

Well, for the past three years, Ian Cooper — the premier options expert — has been tinkering with a secret strategy that pinpoints exactly when option plays are primed to make their biggest moves...

Skyrocketing as much as 64%... 180%... 240%... even 338% in just a matter of days!

Ian calls it the "R-4 Trigger" (which I'll explain in just a moment), and for the past three years, he's been using it to track down fast, 27-day gains.

In fact, as Ian developed this "trigger" over the past 36 months, we invited a select group of folks to come on and "beta test" his progress.

We didn't tell them they were testing what could become the most powerful profit tool the world of options investing has ever seen however.

We wanted to see firsthand how they reacted to Ian's system without any expectations.

And I think it's safe to say they were quite happy, as they watched 87 winners (averaging 68%) roll in — that's nearly one winner per week.

Actually, I know they're happy.

Take a quick look at what the beta testers told us in their own words:

  • "Made a one-day profit of 24%..." Randy Aperlo, NY

  • "I will take the 60% gains and wait for Ian's next move. Holy crap, am I impressed." Kurt Lindau, MD

  • "It's great getting up at 6:30 am and watching my portfolio grow all day long by $500 per day." Cal Spivey, WA

The best part is, the "R-4 Trigger" is amazingly simple to use.

You simply wait for "trigger" alerts via e-mail, follow two easy instructions, and cash out.

You don't have to know squat about options. You merely sit back and watch your bank account grow by the day...

Less than a month from now, you could be cashing out for 50%... 150%... even 300% gains — and quite possibly more.

That's why I'm writing to you today.

Not only am I going to share all the details on Ian's newly released "R-4 Trigger" with you shortly...

But I'm also going to let you in on the play that's just sounded the sirens.

How the "R-4 Trigger" Works

Buy a handful of different stocks, and you might make a few bucks over the next couple years. Buy some bonds and you'll get the same result.

Invest in a CD, Money Market account, or IRA — ditto.

Simply put, these investments aren't going to pay you anywhere near what you stand to make with a few well-timed options plays.

It's a simple fact.

The thing is, how do you know exactly what play to make, when to make it, or even how long to hold it?

Well, that's where Ian's "R-4 Trigger" comes in...

During 2008 — one of the worst financial years in American history — the "R-4 Trigger" delivered cumulative gains of 2,878%.

And it did so by precisely pinpointing which options plays were set to skyrocket by as much as 68% — or much more.

So, what’s the secret?

The "R-4 Trigger" takes reams of data — six different investment formulas, percent ranges, and MACD and DMI crossovers — and compresses it all into a single indicator that tells you exactly when to take action on a given option play.

Instead of sitting in front of a computer screen, trying to sort through thousands of ticker symbols and dozens of options "strategies" all on your own, you simply sit back and wait until the "R-4 Trigger" signals you to take action.

Even better, the "R-4 Trigger" alerts you down to the split second...

So you have the opportunity to get in before rank-and-file investors and snatch the biggest gains possible.

Let me show you a couple quick examples...

19 times better than ordinary stocks

On March 1, 2010, the "R-4 Trigger" was tripped.

An alert immediately went out to our beta testers. The play was on a company called Thermo Fisher Scientific. The company name, option symbol, and buy price were all included in the alert.

Those who listened and got in right away found themselves 70% richer in just three days' time:

Thermo Fisher Scientific

That's a two-day blockbuster gain of 70% with the "R-4 Trigger" versus the measly 7% that buy-and-holders made.

The gains made with the "R-4 Trigger" were 10 times better.

And all our beta testers had to do was follow the simple steps outlined in their "R-4" e-mail alert, and wait for the signal.

But this wasn't the only alert they've received recently...

In April, the "R-4 Trigger" sounded its horn again.

Like before, an immediate alert went out with clear, concise instructions well before most people knew what was going on.

The results?


This time it took about three weeks instead of two days...

But the "R-4 Trigger" participants who banked 154% — instead of the tiny 8% buy-and-holders pulled in — certainly weren't complaining.

After all, they made out 19 times better than they would have by holding ordinary shares of stock.

And, as I mentioned earlier, gains like these are possible for you roughly once per week...

In fact, between June 1, 2010 and August 2nd, the "R-4 Trigger" pinpointed six dead-on winners.

Take a look:


That's an average gain of 205% per week for those who were following the "R-4 Trigger."

I could sit here and rattle off a ton more examples, but I have no doubt you see the trend here... The "R-4 Trigger" absolutely blows buying and holding out of the water.

And incredibly, all you have to do is follow a single indicator over and over again.

All told, the "R-4 Trigger" could be the difference between growing wealthy over the next 10 years and watching your retirement account slowly disappear...

It's the only way to make real money
as another "lost decade" approaches

As I write this, the Dow is hovering around the 10,000 marker — the same level it was in 1999.

You know what that means?

Investors just experienced a "lost decade."

In other words, the folks out there who bought stock to hold for the long run are right where they were more than ten years ago.

They’re lucky to have made even a dollar over the last decade.

Not only that, but the future looks even worse.

David Hefty, CEO of Cornerstone Wealth Management, says he expects the market to go into a "complete free fall" — just like what happened with oil prices in 2008 — which could push the Dow below 5,000 by year's end.

Market forecaster Charles Nenner agrees: "For the next couple of years, just be happy if you don't lose money."

Sounds pretty horrible, right?

Well, it doesn't sound bad at all to those who follow the "R-4 Trigger."

They'll be singing all the way to the bank, whether the market goes into a "free fall" or not.

Why the high level of confidence?

Just consider that just last year, while many people were having trouble deciding what stocks to buy and sell — making mere pennies if anything at all — an elite handful of folks had no such issues. There was no confusion, nervousness, or indecision.

They simply cashed in, left and right, taking advantage of the types of gains the "R-4 Trigger" could deliver for you time and time again.

Let me introduce you to just handful of the 16,000 different people I found that were actually making money:


The list goes on and on, but I don't have the space or time to include every one. I had to leave 15,988 people off this list.

Even more incredible is all these folks (including the ones not listed above) collected their sums of cash inside of 12 months, with an average gain of $125,000.

That works out to $2 billion in total payouts.

Now, tell me which other method of investing paid out those kinds of gains last year...

Buying and holding? Bonds? CDs? Bars of Gold? Barrels of oil? Dividends?

The answer is: None of the above.

Really, the best way to get rich going forward is by trading options. And if you're following the "R-4 Trigger," all the work is done for you.

Not to mention, it's all but guaranteed to help you avoid another "lost decade" like the one we just had.

And the play that the "R-4 Trigger" just pinpointed could be one of the most profitable yet.

But before I reveal the specific play, let me answer...

The million dollar question

The minute I tell people how profitable options can be, they always ask me, "If options can make you so rich, why doesn't everyone use them?"

It's a fair question that I'll quickly answer in two parts.

First, most folks simply don't understand options.

As former broker Joseph Hooper says, "Options are without a doubt the most misunderstood, misrepresented and poorly implemented financial tool in the world."

Second, many of the people who do understand options don't have the necessary experience and know-how to uncover the lowest-risk, highest-profit plays in the world.

And that's where Ian Cooper and his "R-4 Trigger" come in...

They eliminate any need for you to understand options or for you to spend hours hunting down plays that could end up losing you thousands of dollars.

Instead, as I've mentioned before, you simply do nothing except wait for the "R-4 Trigger" to go off.

In fact, if it wasn't for the "R-4 Trigger," Cal Stevens would probably still be in deep financial trouble...

$45,000 in less than five months

Recently, Cal Stevens hit rock bottom.

During an online conversation I had with him, he told me about the broker he'd been using for some time.

"One day I got an e-mailed statement showing over $100,000 lost," he told me.

But Cal didn't give in like most people would. He was determined to come back.

"I took my money and ran out of their office and haven't looked back," says Cal about his former broker.

"Since I've taken over my portfolio, I'm up $45,000 plus in five months."

But he couldn't have done it alone. He didn't know enough about the markets to get rich by doing his own research. So he contacted Ian Cooper for advice...

And I think it's quite safe to say Ian didn't disappoint.

"My first big hit was KOG," Cal said. "I picked it up at .98 in August, the day after I started [following the "R-4 Trigger]... I sold it at $2.63."

He continued: "I currently have 16 positions and every single one is up. I got up this morning and watched the market open and my portfolio came to life with a $3,000 jump... I set a goal several months ago that was to make back the money [my broker] lost. Well boys, I'm almost there..."

Keep in mind though, Cal didn't make his money back all at once.

Instead, he simply took advantage of the "R-4 Trigger" to collect consistent lump sums of cash that quickly added up.

And once he realized just how much money he was making, he dropped Ian a little thank-you note.

"I've been out of work for two years and can now hold my head up again and better yet, pay my bills!! Thanks."

The most valuable e-mail
I've ever received

If you didn't already know, my name is Brian Hicks.

I'm the president of Angel Publishing, a Baltimore-based consortium of world-class alternative financial minds that produce a stable of investment research advisory products with a track record that's second to none.

If you've heard my name, it's probably from my frequent appearances on TV as a money and markets commentator on CNBC, Bloomberg, and Fox News.

Maybe you've read some of my regular commentary in the Wealth Daily e-letter... Or perhaps you've read my book, Profit From the Peak.

Now, I bring this all up not to brag; but simply to show you that I've been making a living in the financial research commentary industry for a long time now.

I've been in the trenches of it for more than 15 years, actually.

So you can probably imagine, after all the investment secrets, loopholes, and strategies I've heard about, it takes a lot to surprise me.

But in September 2007, I came across Ian Cooper.

We met for lunch, and I'm not too proud to admit that the things he showed me about options absolutely floored me.

There were charts, formulas, diagrams, calculations, symbols... some stuff I'd never even heard of, let alone used.

And if the library of information he shared with me wasn't compelling enough, he pulled out his laptop.

"I want to show you how confident I am," Ian told me.

He pulled up a stock on his computer, pointed out how it met certain criteria, fit his formulas, and how if I were smart, I'd be buying right now instead of watching him.

I watched the play for a couple days and noticed it was making money, just as Ian said it would.

Then, just as it had reached over triple-digit gains, I received an e-mail...


I immediately whipped out my cell phone and dialed his number.

"We need a name for this thing," I said as soon as he picked up on the other end. "This could make people rich."

I wanted to write about it immediately, let people know what I'd stumbled onto... But I knew better.

We had to make sure this thing worked for the long haul, not just one trade.

So, Ian and I agreed to "beta test" what we would later name the "R-4 Trigger."

How 225 "beta testers" hit the mother lode

I was sure Ian was going to deliver; I just didn't know to what extreme.

Let's just say the numbers he amassed over the past three full years are mind blowing.

Take a look:


I'm pretty sure numbers like that don't exist in many portfolios out there...

But for Ian, it's run-of-the-mill moneymaking; business as usual.

He wasn't fazed by it at all.

"I told you this was better than anything you've seen before," he recently told me.

I have to say, those words are 100% true. And our beta testers can back that up.

Ian showed me some letters he's recently gotten regarding his profit-making prowess:

  • "In the six weeks that I've been with you, I've bought, sold, and banked slightly over $10,000 profit." — Keith Paul, DE

  • "I bought LENF at $2.88 and sold about a day later for a 22% profit." Ernie Pitsker, NY

  • "Thanks a ton for SYMM... That's a $5,000 profit in less than 24 hours." John Franklin, CA

  • "Not too bad for a week's trade. TMAVD: 270%, CFCVY: 226%..." Jon Ladesich, TN

Those are the kinds of results you get from a trader like Ian.

He doesn't just draw his plays from a hat. He's not paid by companies to recommend one over the other.

He doesn't choose based on skimpy facts, misinformation, or other analysts' say-so...

Truth be told, Ian's secret to success is being an insomniac. The man averages around three hours of sleep per night.

The rest of the time — while other traders and researchers are resting, spending time with their families, or taking vacations — Ian's intently focusing on the latest news...

Analyzing countless charts and figures and measuring out which play stands to be the next triple-digit gainer.

That's the price you have to pay in order to maintain a track record like he's posted.

Bottom line: If you want to find the biggest paying option plays and pocket the most money available (without doing any of the work), Ian Cooper is truly the only person you need to know.

And to prove it to you, now that beta testing is over, I've convinced Ian to reveal his first official "R-4 Trigger" play in an exclusive Angel Publishing Research Report.

It's called, The "R-4 Trigger": The Most Powerful Profit Tool on Earth, and it unveils Ian's newest secret option play as well as why it could be the biggest profit-maker you've seen all year long.

The best part is, we're giving you this report at no charge.

How to get this FREE report sent to your inbox
in the next five minutes

We want you to see how powerful Ian's "R-4 Trigger" really is.

There's no doubt in my mind his next opportunity will be yet another blockbuster. And in order to prove it to you, we decided to give you the "R-4 Trigger" launch play for free.

During beta testing and moving forward, Ian has been releasing his plays as part of Angel Publishing's Options Trading Pit advisory service.

As soon as Ian's "R-4 Trigger" is tripped, he immediately sends out an urgent alert. It details exactly what the play is, when to buy in, and any other information that Ian feels you need to know.

All you have to do is act on it.

And as I mentioned earlier in this letter, Ian has just spotted a new play...

It's the one we'd like to send you for FREE.

Simply look over the report once it hits your inbox, check out what Ian has to say, and take action if you think it's right for you. Then sit back and wait for Ian's follow-up alert to cash out.

As I showed you earlier, it's that simple.

All you need to do in order to receive Ian's next potential triple-digit blockbuster is agree to take a no-risk trial to the Options Trading Pit advisory service.

Remember, that's where Ian details every last detail of his incredible findings... including an archive of every single "R-4" trade Ian has ever uncovered.

But before I clue you in on the full details, and how to get this report sent to you in the next five minutes...

I feel it's necessary to sound my warning.

Please read this carefully

The thing is, this type of profiteering probably isn't right for some people.

So, if you're used to buying and holding or collecting dividends, I urge you to keep a couple things in mind...

This is a more fast-paced type of investing. Some plays take a month or two, but others go down in the span of two days — or even 24 hours.

You have to be ready to strike when Ian's "R-4 Trigger" tells you to buy and/or sell. You could be instructed to buy in the middle of the day... or to cash out for huge gains early in the morning.

Point is, if you're considering whether the "R-4 Trigger" is something you could take advantage of, you need to be flexible enough to fully execute the trades.

For plenty of people, this isn't a big deal.

But I always like to keep folks informed so there's no surprise when they get an e-mail at 2pm to get out of a trade for 165% gains.

But if this doesn't sound like your cup of tea, the "R-4 Trigger" trades Ian catalogs in Options Trading Pit probably aren't right for you.

That said, if making quick strikes on the stock market is something you're prepared for, you could be well on your way to amassing the types of lump sum cash payouts I've shared with you throughout this letter.

And it gets even better...

You see, there's another secret Ian has, and it can be just as lucrative as the "R-4 Trigger" has proven to be.

Let me explain...

How to make money off of every FDA decision

If you're like most people, you avoid biotech stocks like the plague...

But, you'll probably feel differently in just a moment.

You see, very few things have an impact on biotech stocks like the FDA.

Of course, FDA decisions can be unpredictable, and it's hard to determine whether a stock is set up for a huge gain or a monumental fall.

That's why Ian Cooper took matters into his own hands...

And developed a way to make money on biotech companies no matter what the FDA decides.

Whether the FDA gives the nod to a certain drug or takes it off the market, you can make huge money either way.

It simply doesn't matter.

Take a company by the name of Delcath Systems, for example.

On April 29, 2010, the share price of Delcath was sitting at $16.18.

However, an FDA decision regarding an anti-cancer technology Delcath developed wasn't favorable. It sent the stock plummeting... to $12.34.

That's a loss of almost 24% — a quarter of your money gone, had you been holding Delcath stock in anticipation of the FDA decision.

But, if you had been following Ian's advice, your result would have been quite different...


As you can see, simply holding the stock like rank-and-file investors would have led to a hearty loss...

While Ian's recommendation would have netted you an easy five-day gain of 62.5%.

Ian's FDA profit-system allows you to pad your retirement account instead of funneling money into your trading account to cover losses.

And this happens over and over again with countless biotech and pharmaceutical companies all the time.

There have been instances when a company has lost 90% of its value... and instances where a company skyrockets 800% in a single day.

But unlike most people, Ian knows how to make money either way.

In short, whether biotech stocks go up or down, there's a way to make money... You just have to know what to look for.

That's why Ian has written up a special briefing on this matter called, "How to Make Money off of every FDA decision."

It explains, in easy-to-understand terms, how you can rake in profits from FDA decisions time and time again... whether the news is good or bad, every single time.

And as a bonus, should you decide to test-drive Options Trading Pit, not only will you receive the free "R-4" launch play, but I'm also going to send you Ian's special FDA moneymaking report.

With those two reports alone, and Ian's proven results, it's all but guaranteed you'll make a boatload of cash.

But don't take my word for how well Ian has performed...

"I made $2,572 on that trade..."

Sometimes Ian will show me letters folks have personally written him, like the ones I showed you earlier... But sometimes we get incredible letters from folks through our main e-mail here at Angel Publishing.

Like the one from Nhan N. that said:

"You did a great job for me. Thank you very much. I made about $35,000 on IPIX."

Or the one from Matt C.:

"I made $2,572 on that trade. My one month gains using your picks are now at 50%. Thank you."

And I can't forget the laundry list of winners Brian S. sent in the other day...

"I am doing great in about the two weeks I have been following your trades. So far I have made the following: LEN: 52%, HOV: 41%, SPF: 131.%, XLF: 88%, IMB: 37%, and TOL: 100%."

That's a pretty incredible list (including two triple-digit gains) for a two-week run.

I fully expect you will have a similar experience with the FREE "R-4 Trigger" play you're about to receive in your inbox — not to mention Ian's report, "How to make money off of every FDA decision".

And all you have to do, as I mentioned earlier, is test-drive Ian's Options Trading Pit advisory service for 30 days.

So, how exactly do you do that?

What you'll receive as a new member

To agree to a 30-day test-run of Options Trading Pit, all you have to do is click on the link at the end of this letter.

There's absolutely no risk or obligation whatsoever.

Once you click below (and fill out a small bit of information), you'll immediately be set up to receive all the perks Ian's "R-4" beta testers have been receiving for years.

This includes:

  • Up to the second "R-4 Trigger" alerts: When the "trigger" is tripped, Ian's the first person to know — and you're the second. You'll know before just about anyone on the planet exactly which option play is set to explode.

  • Follow-up Instructions: Once Ian feels the play has reached its "peak profit" stage, you'll receive an alert letting you know to cash out for maximum gains.

  • Special Reports: From time to time, a situation or strategy will be so compelling that Ian feels the need to write up a special report on the matter. You'll find a full list of these reports on the members-only website.

  • Members Only Website Access: You'll receive full, password-protected access to all of Ian's alerts, portfolio, and Web feeds.

  • Complimentary Subscriptions to Wealth Daily and Energy and Capital: Ian's a regular contributor to both these daily e-letters on cutting-edge profit opportunities and wealth-related issue commentary.

  • Outstanding Customer Support: If you ever have any questions or concerns, you call our Customer Support staff at any time and get immediate, live help between 9am and 5pm EST.

But that's just the beginning...

In addition to all the incredible stuff above, you'll also get four FREE reports.

Two of them I've told you about, but I'll refresh your memory below, as well as clue you in to what the other two reports are:

  • Research Report #1: " The 'R-4 Trigger': The Most Powerful Profit Tool on Earth" — All the details you need to know about the "R-4 Trigger" as well as the name of the company that just tripped the "trigger."
  • Research Report #2: "How to Make Money off of Every FDA Decision" — Whether the news is good or bad, there's a way to make money. Even if the stock tanks, you can get rich. This report reveals several important secrets that could help you grow wealthy.
  • FREE Options Guide #1: "Understanding Options for Maximum Gains" — An easy-to-understand guide that explains how to successfully profit from options time and time again. It reveals some insight as to how Ian has become one of the premier option gurus on the planet.
  • FREE Options Guide #2: "The Bear Market Baron's Guide to Options" — A hands-on guide to making a fortune, even as the markets are crashing.

That's a TON of free stuff just for agreeing to test-drive Options Trading Pit.

So, I'm sure you're wondering by now, even though all the stuff above is absolutely FREE, how much does Options Trading Pit cost?

You'll be shocked...

I think it's pretty obvious by now how much money you stand to rake in with the "R-4 Trigger."

And if you're still reading, you must agree...

972_5You'll also agree that I could justifiably charge an absolute fortune for this information.

Think about it...

How many chances in your life have you had the chance to double... triple... or even quadruple your current salary without doing one bit of work?

Not many — if any.

$100,000? Maybe half of that, if you're lucky. Yes, I know exactly how much I could charge for this information...

I'm well aware.

But I'm not going to charge anywhere near that much. It just doesn't make sense to charge an arm and a leg just so ten people have access to information that stands to change their lives.

I want everyone to have a fair shot...

So I charge a mere $799.

You read that right.

Less than eight hundred bucks gets you a full year's worth of Options Trading Pit —not to mention however many "R-4 Trigger" plays might pop up during that period.

Of course, I know that despite the incredible value here, $799 may still seem like a lot of money...

That's why we're also offering a special quarterly payment option.

For just $249 every three months, you can enjoy the very same benefits and receive the very same information I've been telling you about.

But as I also told you before, You're not on the hook for a thing.

This is merely a test-drive.

972_3Should you decide Options Trading Pit simply isn't for you, that's fine.

But I'm positive that won't be the case. After all, you'll have 30 days to decide... That's a full month.

Not only will you get full membership privileges to Options Trading Pit during that time, but you'll also immediately receive the four FREE reports I told you about earlier, straight from the desk of Ian Cooper.

Keep in mind that these reports, any alerts you receive, and any other intelligence you gather during those 30 days is yours to keep — even should you decide to cancel during your trial period.

It's 100% risk- and obligation-free. There couldn't be a better deal on the table, to be quite honest.

I mean, for the sake of your own future, you must sign up — even if you fully intend to collect the refund — and put some cash into the FREE "R-4 Trigger" play we're about to send you.

Then you can decide whether or not to stay on for the long haul...

You're not paying a cent for information that
could net you thousands of dollars

Literally, you're simply putting $799 on the table and letting me hold it in escrow for a month while you decide if Options Trading Pit is worth what we're asking.

But once you see just how rare and insightful Ian's perspective and analysis are (not to mention how much money his picks make), I'm positive you'll be a Options Trading Pit subscriber for life.

972_4That's because there's ALWAYS the chance to make huge gains on any given day with options...

As I mentioned, huge gains sometimes come in as little as 24 hours.

That's because there's ALWAYS the chance to make huge gains with well-time option plays... over and over and over again.

And with Ian's clear and concise instructions, it couldn't be easier to tap into riches beyond your wildest dreams.

I'll bet that in no time, you'll consider it stealing to be paying us only $799 for the Options Trading Pit bundle of services and benefits.

There's no gimmick here. No "free prizes" and no fine print, either...

The simple, risk-free guarantee I spelled out for you earlier is just as simple and obligation-free as it sounds.

$799 buys you the best opportunities in the world of options and the guidance you'll need to make the biggest gains possible, or you get your money back anytime within 30 days.

I will say this though: There's no guarantee the price of Options Trading Pit will remain this low for very long.

It's the sharpest low-ball offer I can make you — aimed at recruiting serious investors for a lifetime of one-of-a-kind wealth recommendations...

So it's decision time for you, right now.

I've done everything I can to make that decision a no-brainer.

I've proven to you how incredibly easy it is to make money using the "R-4 Trigger"; you literally don't do anything except wait for its signal...

How, going forward, you'll have the chance to rake in lump sum cash payouts roughly once per week...

And how dead-on and profitable Ian's analysis can be and how much money it could help you amass.

I've also offered you 30 full days of risk-free access to all of Options Trading Pit services and benefits — including Ian's first official "R-4 Trigger" play that I'm going to send you free of charge.

And I've cut the price to the bone for those who subscribe to Options Trading Pit right now.

Now it's up to you...

If it's worth letting me hold your $799 while you get the inside information that could easily speed up your retirement by five years, then click the link below...



brian sig

Brian Hicks
Publisher, Options Trading Pit

P.S. As you may well have guess, these "R-4 Trigger" plays are extremely time-sensitive. To miss an alert by even half an hour means you lose out on triple-digit gains... I urge you, once your FREE "R-4" play hits your inbox, read the information immediately. Don't wait until it's too late.


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