

What is Pinterest?

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What is Pinterest? [infographic]

What is Pinterest? Pinterest is this new amazingly awesome bookmarking tool aimed at changing the social bookmarking industry into something better than it has been. Sites like Digg, Reddit and Delicious have been at the forefront of social bookmarking for many years. Recently I feel like they have been slipping a bit when it comes to popularity. Pinterest came in to fill a void, and boy did they.



How to Submit your Content to Bing [video]

Bing has really stepped up their efforts in order to get the marketing community proactive about pursuing search traffic in the pages of Bing. The Bing webmaster blog has become much more efficient over the years and now they produce videos similar to the Google Webmaster Channel with Matt Cutts in order to help the community better market their websites.


Does Blogging Help SEO?

The short answer, heck yeah! Blogging is one of those magical web marketing efforts that can overlap a handful of marketing voids. Depending on how you approach your blogging you can pull in a great deal of traffic and exposure. When blogging was first introduced it was simply a content publisher but it didn’t take the community too long to figure out exactly how to leverage the tool in order to increase SEO power. 

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