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Save 50%  on Buddhism Titles


During our Spring Sale all titles will be 50% off. Please use the discount code "SALE"in your shopping cart to receive the discount! 


Psychosocial Capacities The Splendid Vision

Reading a Buddhist Sutra


Richard S. Cohen  

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We'd like to offer you 50% off paperback orders of The Splendid Vision. To save 50%, add the book to your shopping cart, and enter code SALE in the "Coupon Code" field at check out. Click on the "apply" button and your savings will be calculated.


Featuring the first-ever English translation of the "Splendid Vision Sutra," a sixth-century Indian Mahayana Buddhist scripture known for its rich ritual magic and worship of bodhisattva-goddesses, this volume explicates the text's cultural significance as a source of extraordinary value, cosmic truth, and existential meaning. Read more... 


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$22.50 $11.25 (with the discount code SALE) - paper - 176 pages   

* Orders for the UK, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, South Asia, and South Africa will be handled by John Wiley and Sons. Ltd. Below are shipping costs. Any questions, please email customer@wiley.com 

* Please note the 50% discount is for a limited time only. To receive a 20% discount, please use CUP20.

Brains, Buddhas, and Believing

Brains, Buddhas, and Believing

The Problem of Intentionality in Classical Buddhist and Cognitive-Scientific Philosophy of Mind   


Dan Arnold

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We'd like to offer you 50% off orders of Brains, Buddhas, and Believing. To save 50%, add the book to your shopping cart, and enter code SALE in the coupon code field at check out. Click on "apply" and your savings will be calculated.  


Premodern Buddhists are sometimes characterized as veritable "mind scientists" whose insights anticipate modern research on the brain and mind. Aiming to complicate this story, Dan Arnold confronts a significant obstacle to popular attempts at harmonizing classical Buddhist and modern scientific thought: since most Indian Buddhists held that the mental continuum is uninterrupted by death (its continuity is what Buddhists mean by "rebirth"), they would have no truck with the idea that everything about the mental can be explained in terms of brain events. Nevertheless, a predominant stream of Indian Buddhist thought, associated with the seventh-century thinker Dharmakīrti, turns out to be vulnerable to arguments modern philosophers have leveled against physicalism. Read more... 


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$50.00 $25.00 (with the discount code SALE) - cloth - 328 pages

* Orders for the UK, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, South Asia, and South Africa will be handled by John Wiley and Sons. Ltd. Below are shipping costs. Any questions, please email customer@wiley.com 

* Please note the 50% discount is for a limited time only. To receive a 30% discount, please use BRAAR.

The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch

The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch


Philip Yampolsky

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We'd like to offer you 50% off paperback orders of The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch. To save 50%, add the book to your shopping cart, and enter code SALE in the coupon code field at check out. Click on "apply" and your savings will be calculated.

Dating back to the eighth century C.E., the Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch is a foundational text of Chan/Zen Buddhism that reveals much about the early evolution of Chinese Chan and the ideological origins of Japanese Zen and Korean Sŏn. Purported to be the recorded words of the famed Huineng, who was understood to be the Sixth Patriarch of Chan and the father of all later Chan/Zen Buddhism, the Platform Sutra illuminates fundamental Chan Buddhist principles in an expressive sermon that describes how Huineng overcame great personal and ideological challenges to uphold the exalted lineage of the enlightened Chan patriarchs while realizing the ultimate Buddhist truth of the original, pure nature of all sentient beings. Read more...
Read the Table of Contents. 

Read reviews of The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch.

$32.50 $16.25 (with the discount code SALE) - paper - 276 pages

* Orders for the UK, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, South Asia, and South Africa will be handled by John Wiley and Sons. Ltd. Below are shipping costs. Any questions, please email customer@wiley.com 

* Please note the 50% discount is for a limited time only. To receive a 30% discount, please use PLAYA.

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Asian Studies 

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