$16.95 You Save $6.05
| Early American Education Pack (2 Books)
The Original Blue Back Speller (By Noah Webster)
The great American educator Noah Webster first published A Grammatical Institute of the English Language, otherwise known as the Blue Back Speller, in 1783. His goal was to provide a uniquely American, Christ-centered approach to training children. Little did he know that this remarkable gem would become the staple for parents and educators for more than a century and would help to build the most literate nation in the history of the West. Many of the Founding Fathers used this book to home school their children, including Benjamin Franklin who taught his granddaughter to read, spell, and pronounce words using Old Blue Back. Facsimile edition. Hardback (168 pages)
The New England Primer (By Noah Webster)
The single most influential Christian textbook in history. Most scholars agree that most, if not all, of the Founding Fathers were taught to read and write using this volume which is unsurpassed to this day for its excellence of practical training and Christian worldview. First published in 1690, the goal of the Primer was to combine the study of the Bible with the alphabet, vocabulary, and the reading of prose and poetry. This is the book that introduced the childrens prayer, Now I lay me down to sleep, and which made the Shorter Catechism a staple of education for American children. More than five million copies were sold in the nineteenth century alone. Facsimile edition written with older modern-English characters authentic to the founding era. Hardback (80 pages)
|  | Quote of the Week Ronald Reagan on Government and Individual Freedom You and I are told we must choose between a left or right, but I suggest there is no such thing as a left or right. There is only an up or down. Up to man's age-old dream-the maximum of individual freedom consistent with order or down to the ant heap of totalitarianism. Regardless of their sincerity, their humanitarian motives, those who would sacrifice freedom for security have embarked on this downward path. Plutarch warned, "The real destroyer of the liberties of the people is he who spreads among them bounties, donations and benefits."
The Founding Fathers knew a government can't control the economy without controlling people. And they knew when a government sets out to do that, it must use force and coercion to achieve its purpose. So we have come to a time for choosing.
Ronald Reagan, A Time for Choosing Speech, 1964
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$8.99 You Save $16.00
| Wesley
Step into eighteenth-century England and experience the transformation of one man whose heart-wrenching search for peace haunts him even as he pours himself into a life of service and evangelism. Now, for the first time, Wesley's fascinating spiritual struggle is presented in this award-winning feature film based on John's own private journals.
Young John Wesley works hard to earn his own salvation, but still cannot find lasting peace. His headstrong ways and self-righteous attitude brings conflict and rejection wherever he goes. Follow his journey across the stormy seas to the colony of Georgia where he fails as an evangelist, while breaking the heart of the beautiful Sophy. In defeat, the newly humbled Wesley returns to England in search of genuine faith - and the discovery of God's grace.
John Wesley is well known as the spiritual father of Methodism. His heartfelt struggles, his passion for authentic faith expressing itself through meaningful kingdom work, and his message of saving grace resonate with audiences of all ages and denominations.
Directed by John Jackman. Starring Burgess Jenkins, June Lockhart, Kevin McCarthy, R. Keith Harris, and Carrie Anne Hunt. Dove Family Approved for ages 12 and up.
$8.99 You Save $3.00
| Spiritual Parenting
by Charles H. Spurgeon
Your child is worth all the time, money, heartaches, and effort because your child can make a difference in this world.
From the depths of his God-given wisdom, Charles Spurgeon shows how you can establish a secure, nurturing, Christ-centered home in which to grow strong, healthy, happy families. Here is encouragement and advice to parents on guiding the spiritual development of children from infancy through young adulthood.
"The best of the church are none too good for this work. Do not think because you have other service to do that you should take no interest in this form of holy work, but kindly, according to your opportunities, stand ready to help the little ones and to cheer those whose chief calling is to attend to them. This message comes to all of us: "Feed my lambs." The commission is given to the minister and to all who have any knowledge of the things of God. See to it that you look after the children that are in Christ Jesus. Peter was a leader among believers, yet he fed the lambs." --from Chapter 1
Paperback; 180 pages
$12.95 You Save $2.00
| Faith Beyond Feelings
by Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758)
Jonathan Edwards is probably best known for his sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," which he preached on July 8, 1741. Many point back to the preaching of this sermon as the tremor that began the earthquake of religious revival in colonial America known as the Great Awakening. Edwards has often been called "America's greatest mind," and his life story is as tragic as it is triumphant. While he was moderately influential on the spiritual condition of the New England area during his life, the stronger pull of Jonathan Edwards' influence can be noted today. His pastoral focus of developing both an intellectual AND an emotional attachment to God within his own congregation, is a concept that must be returned to if the church is to make any impact on the world around her.
As the Great Awakening was taking place around him, Jonathan Edwards began to sense a need of true spirituality among his own flock. Individuals and families were getting swept up into the religious fervor of the Awakening, but he was convinced that their actual understanding of the Christian life and mind was sorely lacking and shallow. "As the excitement of this religious revival intensified, Edwards attempted in his preaching and writings to advocate a thoughtful and responsible religion of the heart. During this revival, in 1746, Edwards wrote the Treatise Concerning the Religious Affections." Edwards' book was not well-received, and his own congregation voted him out of the pulpit in 1750. Edwards' strong call to personal spiritual growth and sanctification was not a popular message, nor is it today.
A modern version of Edwards' Treatise is available in Faith Beyond Feelings: Discerning the Heart of True Spirituality. Edited and updated for modern readers by Dr. James Houston, Faith Beyond Feelings is a must-read for any Christian struggling to live true to Jesus' "spirit and truth" directive. Edwards had no time for mere intellectualism, but he also had very little patience for experiential-only religion. Houston's update masterfully preserves Edwards' indignation with shallow Christianity, while also maintaining the loving pastoral tone. Jonathan Edwards was a complex and difficult personality, but a deeper understanding and relationship with the God of the Bible was always his goal. Dr. Houston's task of making Edwards' book accessibleyet instructiveto a 21st century audience was as complex and difficult as the man who wrote it, but we should all be glad that he was up to the challenge. Faith Beyond Feelings is a book "for such a time as this"...
Paperback; 256 pages
$12.99 You Save $2.00
| Life of Knox
Rare vignettes featuring the Protestant Reformation's fiercest defender!
John Knox had a life of exciting adventure, harsh imprisonment, and brilliant scholarship. Fighting battles both political and religious, Knox bravely defied royalty, nobility, and the established power of the Papacy to speak the truth. A fiery and inspirational preacher, he boldly upheld the authority of Scripture and salvation through Christ's sacrifice. In perilous times, Knox risked his life daily in a fearless and tireless defense of the faith!
This title was originally published by the ASSU (American Sunday School Union) in 1833.
Hardback; 145 pages
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